OXID eShop (all versions) - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0005922: [2.6. Administer orders] Order of currencies has affect on order sum
- 0007391: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] An exception is thrown if a product gets deleted, while someone has it in the basket
- 0007682: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Shipping costs are charged twice
- 0007625: [General] Fatal on writing cache files
- 0007757: [2.6. Administer orders] In the admin area -> Orders -> Main -> Button Save has no function
- 0007254: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Add to basket does not force a refresh of order confirmation step
- 0006860: [1.05. Users] Duplicate entry '[email protected]' for key 'OXUSERNAME'
- 0005353: [2.2. Shop settings] Inventory management PopUp in your shopping cart at small quantities stock in the warehouse
- 0006230: [4.06. Language and translations] Wrong error message in SEPA mode
- 0007672: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] wrong getHomeLink when force_sid in URL
- 0006806: [2.6. Administer orders] Error message not translated, translation key shown instead
- 0006328: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Description of option "Disable online VAT ID check" not correct
12 issues View Issues
Released 2024-11-06
- 0007583: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] When choosing currency CHF, <small>CHF</small> appears instead of CHF
- 0007231: [8. --- Twig engine ---] ifcontent will parse body even if content not existing
- 0007069: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Variant selection drop down list in wish list has no effect
- 0007114: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] HTML error in the template lead to errors in microdata
- 0007099: [4.07. Source code, Test] The package oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce contains demo data
- 0007683: [4.06. Language and translations] Adding a fifth language to the shop causes database errors
- 0007324: [4.02. Session handling] Existing sessions should be destroyed on password change
- 0007659: [2.1. Master Settings] Change text of "Do not bill VAT only if provided valid VAT ID "
- 0006471: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Malformed HTML can prevent backend submit buttons from getting unlocked
9 issues View Issues
Released 2024-04-09
- 0007494: [4.08. Cache] Dynamic Content Cache causes wrong item count on mini basket
- 0006234: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Error in the editor for Product Description - Table, Pictures and RDFa
- 0007533: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] User data property in getUserData() method is wrong (contact controller)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2024-01-17
- 0007567: [4.12. Subshop handling] Created category of a subshop is also shown in the parent shop
- 0007487: [8. --- Twig engine ---] offline.html referenziert ein Flow-Logo
- 0007474: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Attribute value of 0 breaks category filtering with attributes in frontend
- 0007473: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] No Login Request after adding Product to Favorites from Basketlist
- 0007476: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] inactive articles are shown in the detail page
- 0007477: [4.12. Subshop handling] Child theme based on Apex in a child subshop breaks
6 issues View Issues
Released 2023-05-30
- 0007141: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] error in templte preventing block override
- 0006082: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] currency switch when clicking on basketitem
- 0007027: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] demodata discount is not possible with other discounts, because non-existent article is assigned
- 0006039: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] if picture #1 is empty or still deleted the zoom picture will not be displayed
- 0005426: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] oxDropDown causes Lag on clicks
- 0005529: [2.4. Administer products] Footer in each admin list not encapsulated by a block
- 0007349: [4.03. 3rd party libraries] Unnecessary dependency Unzer SDK in the OXID EE metapackage
- 0007335: [2.4. Administer products] Active-Icon not visible
- 0007279: [2.2. Shop settings] Shop deactivated modules
- 0007191: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] OXID of Chief buyer gives user list suggestions from other sub-shops and master shop as well.
- 0007121: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Event onActivate executes on each SAVE module settings
- 0007010: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] B2B edition do not work completely using Wave Theme
- 0006684: [4.01. Database handling] rudiments in demo data leads to wrong working discount rule
- 0006941: [1.05. Users] First entry in account breadcrumb not propperly linked
- 0006699: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Two issues with the serialized basket
- 0006631: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Problem by loading font-awesome.min.css in modul Visual CMS in subshop
- 0006734: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Product images are not correct displayed for variants
- 0006707: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Attribute Filter is not considered a "session required action"
- 0006563: [General] getImageUrl() is bad for Shop Logos!
- 0006333: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Adding something to the basket does a full page reload
- 0006236: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] javascripts executed twice
- 0004722: [4.07. Source code, Test] Shop config is not reloaded on shop id change
- 0006037: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] deleted plugins remain in "aDisabledModules" which might cause problems later
- 0005504: [2.4. Administer products] individual template for one article doesn't work anymore without adapting code
- 0005862: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] newsletter.tpl: missing colons for title, last name and email labels
- 0005819: [4.06. Language and translations] wrong lang variable
- 0005759: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] "more"-Links are not marked "current" in Topmenu
- 0005744: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Switching language in category "more" redirects to startpage
- 0005637: [6. ------ Setup -------] Unused config options
- 0005350: [2.6. Administer orders] Administer Orders -> Orders -> Main -> Save ignores discounts
- 0007190: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Customer is not able to set budget despite he configured "Everybody can use B2B" flag in buying agent module
- 0006262: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "Account" shouldn't appear in top navigation at all if user isn't logged in yet
- 0006822: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Admin templates can't be changed in source if they are overwritten in pe/ee
- 0006219: [2.1. Master Settings] Missing documentation for not allowed signs in SMTP fields.
- 0006143: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Adding CMS page to category menu -> selection of menu item is not displayed in menu (no background)
- 0007418: [8. --- Twig engine ---] Cannot extend dynamically included templates in twig
- 0007223: [4.02. Session handling] force session start leads to sid parameters on all links on first page request
- 0007074: [4.05. Performance] workaround for #36008 bug in php in file Utils.php wihtout phpversion check
- 0005532: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Custom variant selections no longer possible
- 0005274: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Showing submenu in topnavigation not able with android tablets
- 0004942: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Changing Module ID will move old module(id) to aDiabledModules and let them stay there until the module directory is deleted
- 0004919: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Product image moves if an article title has two or three lines
- 0003723: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] CMS pages with plain-param are indexed
- 0007414: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] javascript console error, if removing sliders
44 issues View Issues
Released 2023-05-29
- 0007152: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Import of oxartextends with columns
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-12-06
- 0007278: [2.2. Shop settings] System health info links broken (oxidforge)
- 0006633: [6. ------ Setup -------] Errot during installation via composer
- 0007365: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Shop aware console command breaks if SymfonyS DI container creates the cache file
- 0007301: [4.07. Source code, Test] It's not possible to import services.yaml files within a module
- 0006831: [4.01. Database handling] Increase Column size for Text columns in oxcontents
5 issues View Issues
Released 2022-08-16
- 0006762: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Deadlock in oxseo when deleting categories in backend
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-05-31
- 0007059: [1.05. Users] CreateUser does not check CSRF/session token
- 0006880: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] oxseo and oxseohistory entries will not deleted by deletetion of oxvendor and oxmanufacturer
- 0007308: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] extend handling for service response errors
- 0007306: [4.12. Subshop handling] Default language is wrong on change in admin the sub shop (in german)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-15
- 0007179: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Private Functions in Core/Email
- 0005781: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] oxNew should be used (e.g. admin/sysreq_main.php and admin/navigation.php)
- 0005846: [2.5. Administer users] It isn't possible to assign a global admin in sub shops to rights and roles
- 0005354: [4.08. Cache] EE: compare links in lists do not work correctly if dynamic caching is enabled
- 0007202: [2.1. Master Settings] When switching subshops in the backend and pressing the "stor's start page" button you alwas get the main shop startpage
- 0007275: [1.05. Users] Some email-addresses aren't compatible with OXID
- 0005415: [2.1. Master Settings] "blAutoSearchOnCat" is not in use any longer and shall be removed
7 issues View Issues
Released 2021-08-03
- 0007252: [2.6. Administer orders] Country vat gets overwritten when changing an existing order
- 0007241: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] cli: apply-configuration fails with environment.yaml and modules without moduleSettings
- 0007249: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Admin: Modulsettings: Passwordfields: Validation are broken
- 0006247: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] SQL Bug in oxDeliverySetList::_getFilterSelect()
- 0004385: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxDeliveryList::getDeliveryList is not usable in modules
5 issues View Issues
Released 2021-08-03
- 0007217: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Save Remarks loses oxcreate date
1 issue View Issues
Released 2021-07-14
- 0007083: [1.05. Users] changeuser doesn't check raw password input
- 0006759: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] The exception message EXCEPTION_MODULE_NOT_LOADED isn't practicable
- 0006814: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Update documentation link links to 5.3 Version
- 0006679: [6. ------ Setup -------] Setup at migration fails because of wrong dbPort (6.0.0 RC2)
- 0006363: [2.2. Shop settings] Remove blStoreCreditCardInfo in shop_config
- 0005706: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxConfig::_loadVarsFromDb variables loading issue
- 0006036: [2.2. Shop settings] Config values are stored as encoded, which is simply annoying.
- 0006708: [2.7. Customer info] Multishop Feature makes it impossible to have shopspecific news
- 0005526: [2.7. Customer info] not working actions and promotions
- 0005746: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Timestamp is not added for css and js files included from module
- 0007011: [4.12. Subshop handling] when assigning rights (rights -> assign user groups) to a category in the subshop, these are also transferred to the main shop
11 issues View Issues
Released 2021-04-20
- 0007155: [4.12. Subshop handling] For inherited categories it is not possible to influence the sorting
- 0006854: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Wrong voucher calculation - discount sharing between user's baskets
- 0007364: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Unnötige Performanceverschwendung im EE Package
3 issues View Issues
Released 2020-11-24
- 0007043: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] User can not use his added coupon after logout and login again
- 0006580: [7. --- Other tools --------------] OnlineLicenseCheck renders shop unusable in high concurrency environment
- 0007180: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Saving module settings issue, if module id includes - or / character
- 0007084: [4.06. Language and translations] OXID in _set tables has wrong collation
- 0007167: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] The second database query in SeoEncoderCategory->markRelatedAsExpired is really slow, if there are to many relations
- 0007163: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Variantselector doesn't work in List View listitem_line in wave and flow
6 issues View Issues
Released 2020-07-28
- 0007136: [4.12. Subshop handling] Shop deletes savedbasket entries from other (all) subshops
- 0006358: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Wrong HTML encoding when passing passwords to smtp auth (login)
- 0007130: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] composer update changes module state in yaml
- 0007137: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] unable to uninstall module with metadata file not in package root folder
- 0007014: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Second page of article list doesn't load via SEO
- 0007134: [4.04. Security] Session fixation
- 0007116: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Module class extensions cannot be sorted in backend
- 0006987: [2.4. Administer products] Cannot edit product description in subshop (with
8 issues View Issues
Released 2020-04-28
- 0007051: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] resetFilter function is missing
- 0007111: [4.08. Cache] Path of file container_cache.php is always default tmp directory (hardcoded)
- 0007126: [8. --- Twig engine ---] Only CE: After installing Twig Component, administration area is empty
- 0007030: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Different coupon / discount calculations when item or category is assigned
4 issues View Issues
Released 2020-03-31
- 0006846: [4.12. Subshop handling] Wrong language id used in views fields generation
- 0006840: [2.1. Master Settings] AutoSearchOnCat has no functionality
- 0006771: [1.05. Users] Address book
- 0007112: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Module update from 6.1 doesn't work in Windows operating system
- 0007109: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Using guest account leads to alternating missing payments (or not) while checkout
- 0007079: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Module event information is saved repeatedly to oxconfig.aModuleEvents
- 0007145: [2.1. Master Settings] Setting blLogChangesInAdmin has no effect
7 issues View Issues
Released 2019-11-11
- 0006811: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Scale Prices in Netto
- 0006978: [4.07. Source code, Test] system requirements test of ini_set is not the correct way to do it and therefore might be result in a wrong result
- 0007024: [4.04. Security] Outdated jQuery library in admin panel
- 0006993: [2.4. Administer products] Wrong format in external url on article input
- 0006999: [4.01. Database handling] oxadminlog adodb extension not ported to PDO / OXID 6
- 0006892: [4.01. Database handling] oxDB:: quoteArray & getTableDescription breaks $ADODB_FETCH_MODE
6 issues View Issues
Released 2019-07-30
- 0006696: [6. ------ Setup -------] Guestbook option remains in footer settings of the Flow theme
- 0006973: [4.04. Security] Admin: File upload extension filter can be bypassed
- 0006890: [4.04. Security] SQL injections possible in admin interface
- 0006974: [4.04. Security] Parameters are not escaped in RDFa payment data
- 0006939: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Payment method Direct debit no complete check of BIC. A blank character is sufficient here to recognize the form data as valid.
- 0006827: [6. ------ Setup -------] Upgrade CE/PE to EE leads to empty article list in backend
- 0006925: [6. ------ Setup -------] EE only. Two user groups have the same RR id.
- 0006793: [6. ------ Setup -------] Setup folder is copied on every "composer update" although Setup was already executed
8 issues View Issues
Released 2019-01-29
- 0006927: [4.01. Database handling] Master Slave Database balancing improvement
- 0006885: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] \OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Application\Model\SeoEncoderArticle::_getCategory (same "if" and "elseif" branches)
- 0005764: [7. --- Other tools --------------] Error: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0 ... tools_list.php
- 0006539: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Wrong behaviour from getOrderArticleSelectList when values from selectionlists and variantselections are selected
4 issues View Issues
Released 2018-07-31
- 0006767: [4.07. Source code, Test] Lazy loading problem with __isset() in BaseModel.php
- 0006675: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] article details - product image slider/carousel is not fully working
- 0006599: [4.02. Session handling] race condition in order finalization when session locking is disabled
- 0005042: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] metadata-blocks doesn't support multiple themes
- 0006477: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxUtilsServer::getOxCookie has side effects on $_COOKIE
- 0007209: [4.12. Subshop handling] Update EE 6.1.X to EE 6.2.3 with subshops and differently activated modules
6 issues View Issues
Released 2018-07-31
- 0006976: [4.01. Database handling] Database methods like "getAll" do not work sometimes
- 0006787: [2.7. Customer info] Banners cannot be uploaded any more
- 0006516: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] When a country has the option "Do not bill VAT only if provided valid VAT I", the shop shows "* incl. VAT, plus shipping" anyway
- 0006479: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] No oxOutOfStockException Error message returned within details.tpl when oxstockflag=2 (aka 'If out of Stock, offline')
- 0004924: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Can't change e-mail-adress when ordering wihout account
- 0005384: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] When a country has the option "Do not bill VAT", the shop shows "* incl. VAT, plus shipping" anyway
6 issues View Issues
Released 2018-01-30
- 0006721: [4.06. Language and translations] Missing translations
- 0006694: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Manufacturer Seo urls not properly stored in database
- 0006729: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] admin/ajax.php does not work for metadata v1 modules
- 0006693: [1.05. Users] Not trimmed ZIP-Codes
- 0003194: [4.11. Image handling] transparent gif looses transparency when generated to different size
- 0005735: [1.05. Users] user role 'admin' dont't have rights to save banner-promotion
- 0006737: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Module with namespaces not working on Windows
- 0006736: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] MySQL transactions will not ended consistent
- 0006687: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] unitprice is shown although right "SHOWARTICLEPRICE" ist disabled
- 0006703: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Change robots.txt entry from "Disallow: /agb/" to "Disallow: /AGB/"
- 0006739: [1.10. RSS] RSS feed for categories not sorted desc by time
- 0006761: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] oxVariantHandler always uses brutto price for MD Variants
12 issues View Issues
Released 2017-11-21
- 0006231: [4.08. Cache] Parameter noscript of function.oxid_include_widget.php is no longer used
- 0006813: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] oxModuleInstaller::_filterModuleArray() compares path with id
- 0006773: [2.4. Administer products] WYSIWYG-Pro doesn't work in Internet Explorer 11 any more
- 0006409: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] OXID EE: Links for Zend Guard are broken in Zend Guard warning message
- 0006156: [6. ------ Setup -------] The configuration parameter "aLanguageParams" occurs twice in the table oxconfig
- 0006208: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Wrong LangIdent in invite-mail
- 0006198: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Horizontally scroll bar in all tabs of admin panel
- 0005797: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Encoding is not correct in ajax calls when shop is not utf-8
- 0005280: [4.01. Database handling] Setting up a shop with demo data in English will mix up the languages for the start page banners
- 0006304: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] oxseohistory is left untouched when deleting entities like oxArticle, oxCategory, oxContent, oxManufacturer, oxVendor
- 0006395: [1.05. Users] Gender dropdown only supports "Mr" and "Mrs"
- 0006139: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Refactor pagination
- 0006191: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] System does not strip whitespaces after and before E-Mail-Addresses
- 0005441: [6. ------ Setup -------] remove demodata from packages
- 0005085: [4.07. Source code, Test] adding attachments to order email for customer does not work
- 0004975: [4.07. Source code, Test] Improve oxemail class methods
- 0006241: [4.05. Performance] Javascript and css are not combined and not minified
- 0006129: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] update query on oxseo can cause performance issue
- 0006612: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Missing Smarty block in admin Template
- 0005307: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Cookies are changed by checkParamSpecialChars's several times
- 0006283: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Voucher vat calculation
- 0006732: [4.04. Security] oxdefaultadmin is still used as user ID
- 0006704: [2.2. Shop settings] If RDFa is activated in EE the product details page can no longer be reached
- 0006711: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] admin/oxajax.php needs to handle module namespaced ajax container classes
- 0006668: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] in source/admin/oxajax.php ControllerClassNameResolver is not used for resolving container. Can't create custom drag&drop in mod
- 0006702: [2.6. Administer orders] Disabled controls are not clearly visible as not writable
26 issues View Issues
Released 2017-11-02
- 0006465: [6. ------ Setup -------] Password get cropped
- 0006579: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Sorting by self-created fields in the oxarticles does not work
- 0006155: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Disabling blShowSorting not considered in details locator with category default sorting
- 0006474: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Icons of Visual Editor and other custom moduls not shown in backend (subshop)
- 0006102: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Article Stock Function causes wrong stock levels in high load scenarios / Use transactions
5 issues View Issues
Released 2017-08-17
- 0006512: [4.06. Language and translations] Translation missing for ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_PWDDONTMATCH
- 0006586: [4.01. Database handling] \oxBase::_update always returns true
- 0006361: [4.01. Database handling] Missleading / wrong comment in config.inc.php regarding Master/Slave configuration
- 0006294: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Facebook like button is not shown for cannonical page
- 0006090: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Field oxtplblocks.oxmodule is too short
- 0006659: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Deactivating a module which extends basket causes shop maintenance mode
- 0005837: [2.1. Master Settings] Switch of position of currency symbol is not explained in admin
- 0006627: [4.10. AutoLoader] BaseController::executeFunction throws ERROR_MESSAGE_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_CLASSNOTFOUND for metadata v2 modules in some cases
- 0006645: [4.06. Language and translations] Wrong language encoding in modulegenerator
- 0006029: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] The shop framework tries to set cookies when it is called via CLI
10 issues View Issues
Released 2017-08-08
- 0006497: [4.01. Database handling] Checkout doesn't work with MySQL v5.7
- 0006674: [4.04. Security] OXID potential CSFR bug
- 0005710: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Active language abbreviature with $oView->getActiveLangAbbr() ?!
- 0006032: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] SEO Suffix, Prefix and Title doesnt support multilingual
- 0006062: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] SQL error if setting "Number of similar Products" is 0 => Shop offline
- 0006369: [4.11. Image handling] morepics loads same image multiple times if nopic.jpg is missing
6 issues View Issues
Released 2017-08-08
- 0006483: [4.12. Subshop handling] oxConfig.aServersData is for shop id !1 sometimes empty, somestimes filled
- 0006484: [4.05. Performance] oxConfig entry aServersDatais is always deleted and selected by shop id 1, but written by the actual active shop id
- 0006625: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Encoding got messed up after copyright update. (Update copyright year to 2017)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2017-05-03
- 0006383: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] session not saved and method not found caused by widget parent
- 0006545: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] The webpage title for Extensions->Themes/Modules is wrong in English language.
- 0006561: [4.10. AutoLoader] Algorithm determining the last class in a module chain is wrong when dealing with namespaces.
3 issues View Issues
Released 2017-04-25
- 0006290: [4.01. Database handling] View cleanup during view generation chokes on certain table names (=> Oxid EE)
- 0006498: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] external link on categories are rendered with aditional questionmark
- 0006141: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] on order execution empty noticelists are created
- 0006411: [4.11. Image handling] Image generation for URLs containing a double slash fails.
4 issues View Issues
Released 2017-01-31
- 0006568: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] [Order Confirmation] Form field 'ord_agb' is not checked to be '1'
1 issue View Issues
Released 2016-12-13
- 0006534: [2.4. Administer products] Link to O'Reilly in "Online-Shops mit OXID eShop"
- 0005345: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] oxSeoEncoderCategory _aCatCache will break if you try to load cross shop urls
- 0006547: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Classes in module extend chain does not know instance of their real parent
- 0006558: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Unable to access directly controllers, which are defined in module "extend" section
- 0006557: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Namespaces conflict of "Payment" model VS controller in modules "extend" classes
- 0006543: [2.2. Shop settings] Two delete buttons for each record in Shop Settings->Shipping Methods
- 0003998: [4.06. Language and translations] provide lang files in UTF-8
7 issues View Issues
Released 2016-11-30
- 0006795: [6. ------ Setup -------] Default shop language will not be updated during setup
- 0006488: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] oxUbase->isVatIncluded() won't return false when a non-VAT country is selected
- 0006487: [4.07. Source code, Test] Accessing uninitialized class variable in oxEmail
- 0006450: [2.2. Shop settings] Creation of empty fields in payments
- 0006449: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] The discount "Current Bargain" from the demodata does not work
- 0006351: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Link to shop start page always links to main shop, even if a subshop is selected
- 0006350: [2.5. Administer users] MallAdmins can not be selected in subshop right management
- 0006349: [4.08. Cache] Shop may flag output as cachable even if controller detected errors during rendering
- 0005916: [4.10. AutoLoader] oxAutoload can cause preg_match compilation warnings on namespaced class names
- 0006134: [6. ------ Setup -------] Wrong encoding during setup
- 0006065: [4.07. Source code, Test] Method excepts a String as first argument, but gets an array.
- 0005834: [4.05. Performance] Logging logs widget calls
- 0005825: [2.1. Master Settings] Cache not cleared after admin logout
- 0005680: [6. ------ Setup -------] Setup with oxSetupAps::install does not set language
- 0005638: [4.01. Database handling] Setup uses mysql_ functions only
- 0004079: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] charset problem in metadata.php (every module)
- 0006011: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Function 'getFileUrl' does not exist or is not accessible!
- 0006388: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Add config param for lowercase seo urls
- 0006005: [2.7. Customer info] Typo in CMS page
- 0006368: [4.07. Source code, Test] OXID API, wrong phpDOC for oxwArticleDetails::isPriceAlarm
- 0006079: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] Wrong password is not handled correctly in Private Sales mode
- 0006342: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] shop expects module to be in a folder named like the moduleid
- 0006300: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] shipping address in ordershipped.tpl is incomplete
- 0006284: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] It's possible to generate coupons without a coupon number
- 0005920: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] og:title meta property left unrefactored
- 0006272: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Add pointer cursor to the admin login button
- 0006239: [2.1. Master Settings] bl_perfLoadAttributes isn't used at all
- 0006059: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] strong-tag not closed in listitem_grid.tpl when in b2b mode
- 0006061: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] tooltip position calculation doesn't consider window width
- 0005962: [7. --- Other tools --------------] Block with incorrect name in mailtemplate
- 0005854: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Can not extend deliverytypes in delivery_main
- 0005894: [4.11. Image handling] File locking and unlocking not clean
- 0003610: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] attributes of father are not inherited if variants are compared
- 0005315: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Wrong JS in monitor code, breaks on IE8
- 0005313: [4.11. Image handling] oxdynimggenerator::getImagePath() - Not available image will return a 0 kb file in browser
- 0006413: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] flow theme installation fails in EE cause it uses CE shopid
- 0001621: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] UpdateApp does not shows umlauts in SQL log
37 issues View Issues
Released 2016-10-13
- 0006407: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Underscore in language abbreviation leads to wrong seo urls
- 0006476: [4.02. Session handling] Session loss on subshops
- 0006291: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] nopic.jpg generation fails if image is not a jpg
- 0006501: [2.2. Shop settings] Discounts not possible for products with variants
- 0006376: [4.08. Cache] Admin backend clear not enabled content cache (EE)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2016-07-05
- 0006346: [4.12. Subshop handling] isCurrentUrl in oxUtilsServer doesn't work properly for subshops
- 0006306: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] OXID API, missing method setAmount?
- 0005892: [4.01. Database handling] Add index on OXSEO table to avoid random deadlocks
- 0006083: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] article sorting fields not verified against valid field from admin settings
- 0006398: [2.6. Administer orders] Payment type charges are not deleted changed back to a type with no costs
- 0006171: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] Wrong list behavior during reaching the last page numbers
- 0005720: [4.11. Image handling] duble slash in imagepaths if you use sAltImageUrl
- 0006053: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] It's not possible to use the number 0 as value for the variant
- 0006030: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] isLoaded() not working for oxcategory
- 0006027: [2.2. Shop settings] It is possible to assign an "unbuyable parent product" to an itm discount
- 0006327: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Breadcrum in Order + Thankyou-Step
- 0006136: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Shipping Address in selector misses a comma
12 issues View Issues
Released 2016-06-13
- 0006319: [2.2. Shop settings] [{oxprice}] smarty tag displays the default currency separator
1 issue View Issues
Released 2016-04-27
Planned release day: 03.05.2016
- 0005795: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Percentual voucher assigned to article leads to wrong VAT and netto sum calculation in mixed baskets
- 0005936: [2.6. Administer orders] Not possible to override InvoicePdf module class InvoicepdfArticleSummary
- 0006313: [2.1. Master Settings] Country list in admin generated wrong
- 0006302: [1.10. RSS] Changes in action "oxnewest" are shown on the start page but not in the RSS feed
- 0004200: [4.03. 3rd party libraries] Update phpmailer to latest revision
- 0005896: [4.03. 3rd party libraries] Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in ......./class.phpmailer.php on line 1350
- 0006204: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Vat calculation is wrong when article is assigned to coupon serie
7 issues View Issues
Released 2016-01-26
- 0006190: [4.07. Source code, Test] Sourcecodedocumentation does not list getArticle() as public function of oxBasketItem
- 0006108: [4.08. Cache] Default Cache Backend requires enabled blDontShowEmptyCategories
- 0005833: [4.04. Security] It is possible to get Shop Version number when calling certain urls
- 0005318: [4.04. Security] rtoken() doesn't handle arrays
- 0006288: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] [Smarty-Plugin][oxscript] An empty "include" or "add" parameter leads immediately output.
- 0006212: [4.08. Cache] Problems with deleting unimportant cookies in varnish 4
- 0006265: [4.01. Database handling] Adding additional multi language tables breaks updateViews, after a certain number of languages is installed
- 0006220: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Article navigation problems
- 0006170: [1.05. Users] Users with IDN email not able to reset their password
- 0006216: [4.01. Database handling] Views are broken for language Id > 7
- 0006254: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] adminlog saves lowercased sql statements
- 0005928: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Quantity of items is no longer correct when label is set to an existing value in the cart
- 0006221: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] OXID loads an incorrect manufacturer
13 issues View Issues
Released 2015-10-27
- 0005650: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Wrong shippingcost calculation
- 0005782: [4.06. Language and translations] Duplicated language keys in admin
- 0006233: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] wrong language switch url in manufacturerlist page 2 and ff.
- 0006203: [4.01. Database handling] sDefaultDatabaseConnection config option default value is not set
4 issues View Issues
Released 2015-07-28
- 0005626: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Wrong "Charge Payment Method" value displayed in invoice
- 0006050: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Amount of product variant stock value gets subtracted twice
- 0005113: [2.6. Administer orders] Full Recalculation of order if payment date is set
- 0005775: [4.06. Language and translations] DefaultLanguage collabs language selection in frontend
- 0005471: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Redirect 302 shall be 301 if title changes
5 issues View Issues
Released 2015-04-28
- 0006070: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] No errors after step 4 if offline product with some others in basket, and offine product is sold out
- 0006114: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] No errors shown in step 4 if ordering sold out item in Subshop.
- 0004648: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Moving articles invalidates old URL
- 0006076: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] function oxViewConfig::isModuleActive returns false, if module has no vendor folder
- 0006060: [2.5. Administer users] user list is not up-to-date when deleting a user from list
5 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-27
- 0005923: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] canonical Tag of categories wrong
- 0005995: [1.06. Search, Tags] search with spaces only causes MySQL exception
- 0005083: [6. ------ Setup -------] setup impossible with memory_limit = -1
- 0005942: [2.6. Administer orders] Delivery cost rule with 'size' break tab in order administration
- 0005988: [4.12. Subshop handling] User cannot login in subshop
- 0005990: [4.06. Language and translations] Unlimited language support does not work
- 0005977: [2.7. Customer info] Remove Text Sign customer number from CMS page ( Thank you for registering incl. Plain )
- 0005903: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] currency sign in front of amount still wrong
- 0006003: [4.07. Source code, Test] Method will be invoked on argument with default value `null'
- 0005893: [7. --- Other tools --------------] copy/paste error in source code documentation ( class thankyou.php )
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-11-25
- 0005910: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] When out of stock articles exists in basket and language is changed, shop for that session goes offline.
1 issue View Issues
Released 2014-11-25
- 0005905: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Missing checks for SSL, mallshop and language-hosts
- 0005902: [2.4. Administer products] Variants can't be deactivated
- 0005913: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Price Calculation of multiplied Itm Discount wrong if out of stock
- 0005879: [2.1. Master Settings] typo
4 issues View Issues
Released 2014-10-28
- 0005860: [2.6. Administer orders] oxorderarticle-prices set to zero when saving orders in backend
- 0005811: [2.4. Administer products] Selectlist prices are displayed wrong under certain circumstances
- 0004150: [2.4. Administer products] Category-Selectlist (Filter) ignores the sorting of categories
- 0003338: [2.4. Administer products] SEO URL falls back when edited the multi multi category product
- 0005872: [6. ------ Setup -------] Shop go offline after installation if you select "Any other" as you market
- 0005435: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Trusted Shops Excellence mandatory parameter is empty
- 0005558: [2.6. Administer orders] Greeting Card with price not listed on billing.pdf -> bill is not correct!
- 0005887: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] cms-page cache is not updated when using smarty
- 0005628: [2.7. Customer info] Changes in oxNews-Longdescription does not change in frontend
- 0005809: [4.04. Security] Session ID Disclosure
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-10-28
- 0005842: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Module settings default values are not shown before module activation.
- 0005749: [2.8. Service] oxchkversion in the new diagnostics tool does not work
- 0005617: [2.8. Service] Failure in diagnostics
- 0005830: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] getCategoryIds() returns duplicates if parent has same categories
4 issues View Issues
Released 2014-10-28
- 0005901: [2.5. Administer users] After update to 5.2 subshop user login to admin do not work anymore
1 issue View Issues
Released 2014-09-30
- 0003759: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxstr classes missing htmlspecialchars_decode
- 0005971: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] endless redirection in update utf8
- 0005967: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] incorrect HTML in utf8-update
- 0005965: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] utf-8-update returns undefined var
- 0005970: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] UTF8-update script throws fatal error (5)
- 0005966: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] UTF8-update script throws fatal error (2)
- 0005968: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] UTF8-update script throws fatal error (3)
- 0005963: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] UTF8-update script throws fatal error
- 0005678: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] spelling error
- 0005883: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Help texts does not appear in module settings window.
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-08-19
- 0006019: [2.4. Administer products] EE: Main Category in subshops not highlighted
- 0005466: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] No modal window (lightbox) in details picture if clicking to the left or right area
- 0004938: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] oxDate validation issue on iPad
- 0005806: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Online VAT ID check doesn't work
- 0005736: [4.01. Database handling] oxobject2category index OXMAINIDX should be unique
- 0005739: [4.12. Subshop handling] Subshop admin can not assign an item to its own subshop
- 0005791: [4.01. Database handling] oxfield2shop values are not removed when parent article is unassigned from shop
- 0005444: [1.05. Users] Login by customer number should be prevented
- 0005091: [4.04. Security] Newsletter force_sid=x
- 0004877: [4.01. Database handling] oxvoucherseries.oxstartdate & oxvoucherseries.oxreleasedate redundand
- 0005705: [4.06. Language and translations] %s missing in several language keys
- 0003919: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Address is not validated whn you go directly to step 3
- 0005690: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] user_billing.tpl include of salutation.tpl is missing $value2 - Resets form selection on incomplete registration
- 0003755: [4.07. Source code, Test] Wrong valdiation for email-adresses with an ampersand or other special chars
- 0005713: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] New TLDs are not accepted by oxinputvalidator
- 0005097: [4.07. Source code, Test] Accept "+" in E-Mail
- 0005556: [1.06. Search, Tags] Selected currency gets lost when using search form
- 0005738: [4.06. Language and translations] a point is unnecessary
- 0005692: [4.07. Source code, Test] Typo in oxorder::getFormattedeliveryCost
- 0005703: [4.01. Database handling] Missing index for oxroles.oxarea field
- 0005549: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] module-name and value-name of module-settings limited by oxmodule-/oxvarname-field-length
- 0004960: [1.05. Users] Address country title is saved into user session and doesn't get updated, when user switches languages
- 0005096: [3. ----- eShop theme - Azure ------] Smarty Tags destroying RDFa Code and Site Layout
- 0005458: [1.05. Users] error messages are not showed after save and shipping address not saved too
- 0005682: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Discount on payment SEPA-debit doenst work
- 0003019: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] payment method COD uses extra text instead longdesc, and shows costs not as other_method does.
- 0004958: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] birthdate is not validated immediately on user registration
- 0005708: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Basket of finished Order appears again after login to the user-account
- 0004501: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] In admin after updating product quantity in order and after user logs in to shop, user got this product quantities in cart
- 0004847: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] duplicated title / description tags in product detail page concerned by Google webmaster tools
- 0005068: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] SEO-Url and parameter doesn't fit
- 0005695: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] unknown parameter in register_success.tpl (SUFFIC?!)
- 0004820: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Similar list for variants aren't displayed at the detail page
- 0005067: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Error with hidden categories and navigation
- 0005335: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Missing index for oxarticles.oxprice field
- 0005459: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] wrong help link in oxViewConfig::getHelpLink()
- 0005643: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] discount can not be deactivated after first activation
- 0005681: [4.06. Language and translations] Language translation files contains misspelled constant APPLAY
- 0005355: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] .htaccess should be improved
- 0005566: [1.05. Users] Undefined Variable $var on line 477 of oxuser.php
- 0004985: [2.6. Administer orders] escape "/" input in last name field
- 0005528: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Block names "admin_country_..." in category_list.tpl are wrong (admin)
- 0005605: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] frame is not loaded
- 0005317: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Compare of a non existing objects in basketcontents.tpl on Azure theme
- 0005500: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] There is no colon on label in checkout 4-th step
- 0005644: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] getimg.php
- 0005297: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Articles per page does not work when "grid" is selected as standard view
- 0005534: [4.07. Source code, Test] replace array-key-check from isset to array_key_exists (oxutilsobject)
- 0005480: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Template debugging produces invaild HTML
- 0005460: [4.07. Source code, Test] wrong description of constructor for all list models
- 0005579: [4.07. Source code, Test] wrong description of method in comment
- 0005525: [4.07. Source code, Test] check of an unset variable
- 0003535: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] CMS-Snippet
- 0005351: [4.07. Source code, Test] OXID eShop CE checks for Zend Platform/Server
- 0005432: [4.06. Language and translations] ERROR_MESSAGE_USER_PWDDONTMATCH and ERROR_MESSAGE_PASSWORD_DO_NOT_MATCH are the same
- 0005078: [3. ----- eShop theme - Azure ------] In order.tpl block checkout_order_btn_confirm_top is missing
- 0005647: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] module configs garbage
- 0005634: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Reactivating disabled module removes extensions of other deactivated modules with similar name
- 0005562: [4.06. Language and translations] "MESSAGE_PLEASE_DELETE" directory multiple times
- 0005563: [4.06. Language and translations] OPEN_ACCOUNT <-- dublicated entry
- 0005551: [4.01. Database handling] Index missing in oxnewssubscribed
- 0005154: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] cookienote.tpl
- 0005522: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Missing getter for oxwrating widget
- 0005502: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Stray end tag span in listitem_infogrid.tpl
- 0004454: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Module installation do not check if meta data incorrect.
65 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-29
- 0005704: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Econda tracking of user registrations is faulty.
- 0005762: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] download links do not expire
- 0005752: [2.4. Administer products] You can't search for 0 in Backend Ajax Masks
- 0005761: [4.08. Cache] iDefaultCacheTTL is not respected
- 0005801: [4.01. Database handling] Don't work oxDbMetaDataHandler class method updateViews when want update specific tables
- 0005790: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Variant selection not possible on details page when logging in (using ssl)
- 0005784: [4.01. Database handling] Wrong Data Format for SQL Update of Date field
- 0005622: [4.01. Database handling] Problem with database
- 0005143: [4.01. Database handling] Adodb driver for mysql needs new format for performance test
- 0005787: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] link to pdf file does not work if shop is installed in subdirectory
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-29
- 0005814: [1.05. Users] Possible to assign to any user group without admin confirmation
1 issue View Issues
Released 2014-04-29
- 0005548: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Do not count product as downloaded in admin, if it has wrong file path.
- 0002289: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Trusted Shops buyer protection is calculated wrong
- 0005299: [1.05. Users] Dynamic group assignment after register doesn't work anymore
- 0005491: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] wysiwigpro not initalizing when having admin ssl url set
- 0005639: [4.06. Language and translations] The translit-language array is slightly incorrect.
- 0004212: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Valid USTID-Numbers are considered incorrect
- 0005416: [4.07. Source code, Test] Check for subscription status in oxNewsSubscribed via "wasUnsubscribed()" is flawed
- 0005399: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] EXCEPTION_SYSTEMCOMPONENT_TEMPLATENOTFOUND, Faulty component --> content.tpl
- 0004881: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] wrong VAT-ID does not show error to user in frontend
- 0005310: [1.05. Users] superfluous if statement in Newsletter::removeme()
- 0005700: [4.06. Language and translations] FAVORITES_DESC - translation missing in application/views/admin/de/lang.php
- 0005699: [4.06. Language and translations] ARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_OPENINNEWWINDOW empty in application/views/admin/de/lang.php
- 0005561: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Currency is set to USD default
- 0004622: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Intangible product should not be calculated in shipping price.
- 0005363: [4.06. Language and translations] DELIVERYTIME has duplicate
- 0005328: [4.07. Source code, Test] _getGroupPrice in oxarticles with missing quotations for a string
- 0005646: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] When map is missing error is displayed, when templates are not found info text is updated
- 0005492: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Update App leads to error in step "Enter Theme"
- 0005544: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] --> state gets written in numbers not letters <--
19 issues View Issues
Released 2014-02-25
- 0005625: [4.01. Database handling] amount of view tables does not depend on amount of languages per shop
- 0005635: [4.04. Security] Certain request parameters causes HTTP request splitting
- 0005611: [4.04. Security] Parameter is not converted to special chars
- 0005641: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Fatal Error after activating oxskipdiscounts
- 0005603: [4.07. Source code, Test] some header comments contain old SVN version tags
- 0005576: [4.11. Image handling] Generated GIFs results in poor quality when being resized
- 0005165: [4.11. Image handling] Image heredity of variant pictures is wrong
- 0004424: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] There should be possibility to extend same class more than one time in one module.
- 0004129: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] metadata.php changes are not committed right to aModules
- 0004025: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] no update of tbl:oxtplblocks by changing module/metadata.php 'blocks' => array()
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-01-28
- 0005573: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] php_cli.php is running in a loop doing nothing
- 0005580: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] decimal precision for currencies is not considered in calculation
- 0005587: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Improve Sepa BIC / IBAN Error Handling
- 0005583: [4.06. Language and translations] missing language key?
- 0005319: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Modules which not extending anything is not active
- 0005539: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Wrong error message if correct bank code and incorrect account number is entered with SEPA
- 0005536: [2.4. Administer products] config bl_perfLoadPrice in article_main
- 0005514: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Missing key for vat 0% in basketcontents.tpl
- 0005507: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Table comments are shortened to 60 characters
9 issues View Issues
Released 2014-01-09
- 0005162: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Coupon calculation is not correkt, when articles are assigned and
- 0005382: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] during sorting the article of a categorie with the timestamp, the shop builds a SQL query with an error
- 0004963: [4.01. Database handling] Login doesn't work with Mysql 5.5 and iUtfMode=1
- 0005465: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Price rounding precision is hardcoded to 2
- 0005537: [2.7. Customer info] Text in WYSISWG editor from cms sites / article descriptions are empty, when they containing an umlaut
- 0005333: [2.4. Administer products] Scale prices: "Attention: Scale price must be lower than normal price" appears also for percentage
- 0005486: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Discounts don't work for variant articles assigned via category
- 0005349: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] last scale price is empty, when discount is available
- 0005425: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Discount works incorrect when using Articles with Select List
- 0005565: [4.04. Security] Accessing config.inc.php directly results in Fatal error
- 0005031: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Function 'getVendorTree' is missing
- 0004073: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Multilingual field in metadata.php
- 0005564: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] oxSepaValidator::isValidBIC($sBIC) only verifies substring of BIC
- 0004730: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Orderrules with Quantity -> Items would be count double
- 0005487: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] internal server error if you call verndorlist without cnid
- 0004254: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Faulty checking of valid $dRating in function saveReview() within class recommlist.php
- 0005474: [4.01. Database handling] oxfield2shop is not cleaned any more
- 0005499: [4.01. Database handling] oxadminlist - _calcListItemsCount() - sql has to be lowercase. Correction to ignore case.
18 issues View Issues
Released 2013-11-26
- 0005084: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Error 0005055 is not resolved
- 0005392: [4.01. Database handling] Wrong article inheritance in subshops
- 0005404: [4.04. Security] Parameter is not converted to special chars
- 0005385: [4.01. Database handling] Views of already deleted languages not cleaned after regenerating them via admin
- 0004996: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] CMS cache fails if Smarty conditions are available.
- 0005043: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Need to change place of revision number displaying in admin
- 0004838: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] existing newsletter subscription resettet automatically while checkout step 2
- 0004904: [1.05. Users] change email, missing error-message
- 0004572: [2.8. Service] Date errors in monthly visitor and conversion rate reports
- 0004850: [2.1. Master Settings] Changing of Deutsch language abbreviation causes database exceptions
10 issues View Issues
Released 2013-11-26
- 0003673: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Naming of promotions is not consistent in admin, azure and basic
1 issue View Issues
Released 2013-10-29
- 0005402: [3. ----- eShop theme - Azure ------] Shop logo is hard-coded
1 issue View Issues
Released 2013-10-29
- 0005594: [4.08. Cache] Shop shows warning once it is called by different unix user
- 0005407: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] wrong page number after clicking on "back to overview" when a fast sorting was setted via administration area.
- 0005453: [4.06. Language and translations] language constant map files always loads from parent theme.
- 0005418: [4.07. Source code, Test] wrong class description for oxCountryList
4 issues View Issues
Released 2013-10-18
- 0005401: [2.8. Service] oxchkversion checks 0 files
- 0005409: [4.05. Performance] Performance Issues due to unneccesary SEO logging
- 0005436: [4.05. Performance] Product URL is build every time in search
- 0005390: [4.06. Language and translations] ERROR_MESSAGE_CHECK_EMAIL has duplicate
- 0005389: [4.06. Language and translations] Some language keys without function
- 0005388: [4.06. Language and translations] Clean up map.php
- 0005372: [2.1. Master Settings] 'Test Reverse Proxy's availability' fails
- 0005366: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] If $this->blSeoMode = false then you cant choose link "Previous Product " and "Next Product"
- 0005365: [2.1. Master Settings] wrong link to update packages
- 0005359: [4.06. Language and translations] Remove not used language keys
- 0005364: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] if you try to choose "Back to Overview " then you are redirect to home page (Seo mode is false)
- 0005431: [4.06. Language and translations] ERROR_MESSAGE_MANDATES_EXCEEDED not used in templates
- 0005398: [3. ----- eShop theme - Azure ------] [{block name="email_html_order_cust_paymentinfo"}] is used 2 times
- 0005352: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] The facebook-like-button-flyout lies behind the "Have-you-seen?"-box,
14 issues View Issues
Released 2013-09-24
- 0005346: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] When there are a sid set in cookies and admin page has wysiwyg editor, user gets logged out
- 0002773: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] (price currency) --> (currency price) very hard to switch, although its standard in many other shops
- 0005356: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] APC + modules
- 0005386: [4.01. Database handling] missing comments in oxdb.php
4 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-27
- 0004892: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] missing required field not visible
- 0003836: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] News assigned to user groups, when user logouts shows no message (or when new gets disabled)
- 0004610: [4.06. Language and translations] HTML tags in language translation constants
- 0004952: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Block name is not unique in order_cust.tpl
- 0005342: [2.1. Master Settings] wrong link in help text
- 0005018: [4.06. Language and translations] placing PayPal Logo within Trusted Shops Box is no good idea
- 0004223: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Problem with input validation street/no. & zip/city
- 0004899: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Private Sales Login is on the left side of page
- 0004987: [2.7. Customer info] send, sent, sent
- 0005027: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] hardcoded CSS in /tpl/widget/promoslider.tpl
- 0005021: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] wrong code in account/order.tpl causes crash
- 0005003: [4.05. Performance] New (dedicated) indexes recommended for oxarticles.oxactivefrom and oxuser.oxupdateexp
- 0005013: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Cloud Zoom doesnt load data-zoomparams into rel attribute when triggered through AJAX
- 0004107: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Product compare not possible, with single product
- 0004991: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] The star character at the product price in "Top of the Shop" is missing
- 0004534: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Wrong Input-Handling of oxajax.js
- 0004950: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] _blTop5Action is not used
- 0004946: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] Typo in register for with activated private sales in german language
- 0004918: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Dots in article oxID's lead to nonfunctional compare article javascript in oxcomparelinks.js
- 0004728: [4.06. Language and translations] Change all "MULTI" constants
- 0002644: [2.2. Shop settings] usability issue while assigning payments in admin
- 0003473: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Many pages have the same SEO title
- 0004861: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Vertical alignment of header topics not correct in internet explorer
- 0003943: [1.10. RSS] RSS does not fully validate
- 0004830: [1.06. Search, Tags] Add notification about forbiden tags being removed from the list
- 0004843: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Wrong Block Name in owner_order Mail Plain Template
- 0004032: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] In customer email is download message even when NO downloads are available
- 0004676: [1.10. RSS] exact shop version visible in rss feeds
- 0004751: [4.07. Source code, Test] code cleanup: "oxpicsgenerated" is deprecated
- 0003668: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] a space too much between paymant-cost VAT percentage and '%'
- 0004508: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Newsletter subscriptions are mall-wide when "Allow users from other shops" is active
- 0004641: [4.07. Source code, Test] pricealarm_send::render() bad fetch mode
- 0004582: [4.07. Source code, Test] jscrollpane.min.js not minified
- 0004410: [4.07. Source code, Test] unnecessary function calls in admin/attribute_main->render()
- 0003461: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] oxgroups language-swap missing in en.sql (installation)
- 0004486: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] oxcategories should have DEFAULT on oxpricefrom/oxpriceto
- 0004497: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] No html lang="" Tag when Performance -> "Show Language" is off
- 0003145: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Category navigation shown right when clicking actions from productview
- 0004078: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Month names are not rendered in selector
- 0004440: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Wrong Type-Hints in oxOrder
- 0004718: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] uninformative error message in order process with an new required field
- 0003283: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] blShowFinalStep doesn't really do much
- 0003472: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] shop calculates VAT with a komma seperated number wrong
- 0004256: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] after choosing size of a variant article the picture doesn't change after choosing the color anymore
- 0004768: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] "price from" missing in bargain list
- 0004735: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] "price from" missing in slider on startpage
- 0004240: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Selectionlist selection is deleted in basket on Update
- 0004732: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Minibasket popup doesnt close with ESC
- 0004733: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] unclosed <span>-Tag in productmain.tpl
- 0004460: [1.05. Users] Missing Double Opt-In in account_newsletter
- 0003980: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Account drop down do not match account left menu.
- 0004546: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] ArticleBox javascript doesn't work if child has articleBox but parent not
- 0004224: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Changing E-Mail Address fails without error message if user enters wrong password
- 0004270: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] oxactive toggles for all languages in oxcontents
- 0004450: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] label tags are not attached to their input elements
- 0003439: [1.05. Users] password match validation (oxinputvalidator.js) not working in checkout-process
- 0004664: [4.04. Security] Some input fields shows suggestions, even credit card numbers
- 0004686: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] oxconfig.oxvarname too short
- 0004656: [4.06. Language and translations] Typo in EMAIL_ORDER_CUST_HTML_ORDERNOMBER
- 0004685: [1.05. Users] user can not change existing shipping address
- 0004673: [1.05. Users] to working change button in in account settings
- 0003518: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] oxEqualizer sets height wrong
- 0004644: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Update Views always states success
63 issues View Issues
Released 2013-08-27
- 0005267: [2.4. Administer products] Bug in Article SEO-Tab
- 0005321: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Loading of articles is not performed in other subshops
- 0004982: [4.08. Cache] No purging of varnish when oxid admin is on different server / domain
- 0005134: [2.1. Master Settings] "British Columbia" and "Alberta" are missing in oxstates
- 0004827: [2.4. Administer products] WYSIWYG editor cannot save empty texts
- 0005276: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] oxmodule->isActive returns true even there is no module registered in any way
- 0005045: [4.06. Language and translations] prepayment != cash in advance
- 0005060: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Remove the reference note from 13 demo product items
- 0005099: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Vouchertimeout not adjustable
- 0005209: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Performance-Problem due to unnecessary redirect with static-urls
10 issues View Issues
Released 2013-06-25
- 0005090: [3. ----- eShop theme - Azure ------] logo.png does not show edition name any more
- 0005124: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] getRevision casts revision number to int
- 0005118: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] parent category thumb url
- 0004902: [2.4. Administer products] updateUpcomingPrices sets wrong varmin prices
- 0004262: [4.07. Source code, Test] Change in oxSession::getBasket leads to sideeffect in oxutilsobject::_makeSafeModuleClassParents
- 0004976: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Wrong Trusted Shops protection prices in config array
- 0005119: [4.06. Language and translations] Language constant VAT_MESSAGE_ID_NOT_VALID is missing
- 0005112: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] There is no blocks added in admin/theme_main.tpl
- 0004874: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] Wrong Password is not handled correctly in PrivateSale Mode
- 0005106: [1.05. Users] error messages do not disappear
- 0005105: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Text correction in backend
- 0005104: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Typo "In den warenkorb"
- 0005071: [2.4. Administer products] EE: save article in subshop is not possible if oxprice is excluded from aMultishopArticleFields
- 0005102: [4.06. Language and translations] MESSAGE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELED is duplicate
- 0005101: [4.06. Language and translations] Remove from lang files: OXAMITEMID, OXAMTASKID, OXBLFIXEDPRICE, OXICON, OXSUBCLASS, OXVARSELECT
- 0005098: [4.06. Language and translations] PACKAGE_FILE_NAME doesn't make sense in language files
16 issues View Issues
Released 2013-04-30
- 0004989: [2.4. Administer products] WYSIWYGPRO broken if Admin in SSL-Mode
- 0005073: [4.07. Source code, Test] Domains with subdirs does not load WYSIWIG editor
- 0005061: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Affiliates - Discountnetprice is always 0
- 0005037: [4.02. Session handling] Sessions get lost on subshops
- 0004980: [4.05. Performance] buildTree / assignArray very slow
- 0005023: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Active theme id is not accessible from template.
- 0005074: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] wrong language key used in ordered items overview
- 0005063: [4.07. Source code, Test] PHP Fatal error due to missing method check in application/models/oxorderarticle.php
- 0005054: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Selectionslist elements Prices can't be displayed with pre tax (brutto) prices
- 0005036: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] smarty_modifier_oxnumberformat does not work with given precision
- 0005049: [4.07. Source code, Test] Wrong method documentation due to copy&pase
- 0004997: [4.05. Performance] Performacne unfriendly oxView::getCacheLifeTime()
- 0005044: [2.4. Administer products] if "Calculate Product Price is not set" no product description and save button
- 0004971: [2.4. Administer products] config bl_perfLoadPrice interfers with admin tpl article_main
- 0005009: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Redirect in case of an error must be 307 and not 301/302
- 0005032: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] typ in admin
- 0004999: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] wrong date saved as invoice date (oxorder_oxbilldate)
- 0005019: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] in RDFa only active shipping methods should be listed
- 0005012: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxTagCloud getTagLink Method needs an isset-check
- 0005008: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Blank (empty/null) module settings value is filled with previous parameter values
- 0005007: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] getStackTrace() missing in class oxDisplayError implements oxIDisplayError (/core/oxdisplayerror.php)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2013-04-02
- 0004995: [4.07. Source code, Test] getOutUrl with SSL get wronk ssl-url for subshops
- 0004979: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Offline-Page of subshops is called by wrong URL
- 0004903: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] default sorting in category
- 0005131: [4.05. Performance] Transaction Problems with high-performance option
- 0004891: [1.05. Users] Users registrations using master/slave
- 0002476: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Remove year from copyright line in header of source code files
- 0004319: [4.07. Source code, Test] permanently redirect 301 to offline.html should be 307
- 0005006: [2.4. Administer products] DataBase column not found on fresh EE install
- 0004974: [2.1. Master Settings] Why is it necessary for "Activate LDAP authentification" to edit file core/oxldap.php? -> contradicts "never touch core"
- 0004992: [2.1. Master Settings] Grammar mistake in Core settings, Search checkbox description
- 0004983: [4.07. Source code, Test] Unneeded assignment of "aOrderfolder" in order_overview
- 0004967: [2.4. Administer products] Problem while assigning products to categories
- 0004968: [2.4. Administer products] stocklevel set to -1 when creating new product
- 0004932: [2.6. Administer orders] Ordered downloadlinks: Mail-Subject
- 0004970: [4.07. Source code, Test] Error in source code, EE version
- 0004954: [4.07. Source code, Test] missing getViewName() in SQL statements
- 0004944: [2.8. Service] CSV-import reports wrong number
- 0004951: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] loadTop5Articles limit is not accessible from template
- 0004834: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] On module activation/deactivation for EE version in some cases user is logged out from admin
- 0004941: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Admin Menu files are NOT shop dependent
- 0004929: [2.5. Administer users] ordered articles in Useroverview are not editable
- 0004930: [4.01. Database handling] Custom DB fields in table oxaddress not possible
- 0004911: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Impossible to delete articles with "Selection List" from Wishlist
- 0004917: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Fast Sorting "Last Modification" within categories leads to no content shown
- 0004889: [4.07. Source code, Test] unify actual category getters
- 0004925: [4.08. Cache] oxutilscount::setCatArticleCount uses ugly sql statement (filesort, temp tables)
- 0004807: [2.4. Administer products] OXSTOCKFLAG = 0 is interpreted wrong
- 0003255: [2.4. Administer products] Strange values for 'sort' when adding variants via selection lists
- 0003470: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxarticlelist::_sortByIds should be public
- 0004906: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Small CSS Bug
- 0004905: [4.06. Language and translations] missing lang parameter in confirmation link
- 0004208: [2.5. Administer users] Focus does not change to tab "History" or "Adresses"
- 0004901: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] bin/cron.php shows "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare isadmin()"
- 0004880: [2.1. Master Settings] on sub shop create exeption
- 0004857: [4.05. Performance] Cross-Selling Statement Optimization
- 0004790: [2.7. Customer info] "OXID eSales login" as META title in admin
- 0004829: [2.7. Customer info] Saving the newsletter adds the copyright notice again and again
- 0004127: [4.06. Language and translations] Although I only want to translate the front end, I can choose the new language for the admin panel.
- 0004128: [4.06. Language and translations] Wrong error message: "Attention: No translations files were found in templates dir for selected language!"
- 0004818: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] set focus in first field
40 issues View Issues
Released 2013-02-06
- 0001882: [1.10. RSS] RSS feeds get a SID when $this->blForceSessionStart = true;
- 0004692: [4.02. Session handling] auto login always redirects to secure startpage
- 0004691: [4.07. Source code, Test] with ssl available logging out on a http page opens a https page
- 0004798: [4.08. Cache] Dynamic Content Cache doen't take SSL into accout for Cachekeys
- 0004514: [1.05. Users] Auto Login fails when changing passwords
- 0004406: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Variants do not inherit parent's persparam setting
- 0004332: [7. --- Other tools --------------] oxchkversion mentions "modified" and "unknown" on fresh installation
- 0004426: [2.4. Administer products] Generic import: OXID = ArtNum
- 0003967: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Debugging mode isn't working - caused by: function 'UI' does not exist ...
- 0004800: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Missing orders in econda tracking
- 0004853: [2.7. Customer info] hardcoded real phone and fax numbers in demodata / cms oxorderinfo
- 0004528: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Price of main article is hidden when "Parent Products can be purchased" is off
- 0004034: [1.06. Search, Tags] SEO URLs Tags
- 0003627: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] getVariantListExceptCurrent() on easy variant wrong
- 0003804: [4.07. Source code, Test] White space between words will removed (maybe wrong method description)
- 0004797: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Smarty not parsed in meta-description, although smarty parsing activated for longdescriptions
- 0004783: [4.07. Source code, Test] insufficient check for constant OXID_VERSION_EE
- 0004473: [2.4. Administer products] updating oxremindactive in article_variant
- 0003200: [2.4. Administer products] fixed price only disabling price alarm
- 0004598: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Wrong error message if payment method "empty" is not active
- 0004694: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] not all methods of econda plugin convert the article name
- 0004241: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Payments - Base of price surcharge/reduction: Points 1 - 4 are always checked
- 0004285: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] In oxubase.php file descriptions doesn't match
- 0004341: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Always shows incorrect email message when requesting to remind password, when server misconfigured.
- 0003724: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Buggy language handling in shipping mail
- 0004619: [4.07. Source code, Test] fnc oxemail::_getShop( $iLangId = null, $iShopId = null )
- 0004055: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxfile::delete() - incorrect return value
- 0004629: [4.07. Source code, Test] shop_config::_loadConfVars() is public even though it begins with an underscore
- 0004749: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Meta-Tilte (contact, basket, user, ...) not shown in Browser
- 0004282: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] no check for characters in sSEOuprefix
- 0003857: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Article META-Description only uses long-description
- 0004700: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Module settings fields length generation
- 0004196: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Reply-Field empty on Order-Mail from the owner
- 0003942: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Email notifying for low stock articles does not work for variants
- 0004163: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] OXSOLDAMOUNT only updated if USE STOCK is true
- 0004210: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] oxArticle::getPrice( $iAmount ) doesn't calculate scale prices after the method oxArticle::loadAmountPriceInfo() is called
- 0004563: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Broken article price "calculation" after template change
- 0004680: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Discount recalculation fails on basket refresh
- 0004442: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] Recommendation id is not set on logout link
- 0004393: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] Sold out item still visible in listmania.
- 0004199: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Do not display the information about variants, when variants are not active
- 0003965: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] File dir.txt in directory /out/download shall be renamed to README.
- 0004620: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] oxArticle._insert () uses time() instead of oxUtilsDate.getTime( )
- 0004774: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Using quotes or other special characters in select list causes them to show in frontend as " and similar
- 0004451: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] left ratings in database than product was deleted
- 0004604: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Missing productlist after logout on manufacturerlist
- 0004151: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] $oView->getListOrderBy() sometimes returns NULL
- 0004117: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Selection of Cross-Sellers after choosing a category doesnt hide the article itself
- 0004215: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Selection of accessoires doesnt hide the article itself
- 0003725: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Auto-Update Style (CSS) Sheets
- 0004286: [4.04. Security] Calling getHash() on oxcaptcha overrides aCaptchaHash array in session
- 0004752: [4.04. Security] double opt-in link reusable
- 0004753: [4.04. Security] double opt-in can be fooled completly
- 0004164: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] [Private Sales] Unexpected redirects to Login
- 0004334: [1.05. Users] Duplicate shipping address on page refresh
- 0004463: [1.05. Users] oxnewssubscribed should be fixated for the mail adress and not for the user
- 0004238: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Incorrect email sender in contact Form
- 0004630: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Can't Upload Pictures for Products in the Backend for Products which do not already have a picture
- 0004706: [4.06. Language and translations] wrong error message at forgot password method / wrong language mapping
- 0004540: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] CMS-Page shows up in other language if it's deactivated in current
- 0004274: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Discount item ITM (Rabatte) produces massiv Pop-Up Info while Checkout (when activ)
- 0004498: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] OXID CE Payment_mail.tpl line missing inbetween payment_main_long_desc and editor
- 0004206: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Sometimes it is possible to select unavailabe variant
- 0004192: [4.06. Language and translations] TO_CART lang key tripled
- 0004438: [4.06. Language and translations] DETAILS_VARIANTS_SELECTEDCOMBINATION, DE Lang, is written in Uppercase
- 0004645: [4.06. Language and translations] WHAT_I_WANT_TO_SAY == WHAT_I_WANTED_TO_SAY
- 0004265: [4.06. Language and translations] $sLangName = "{value}"; can be removed from maps.php, works nice without it
- 0004193: [4.06. Language and translations] multiple lang keys in /out/{locale}/lang.php
- 0004488: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] language key "PREVIOUS" - wrong translation
- 0004487: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] language key "NEXT_2" - wrong translation
- 0004636: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Mouseover help is superimposed by formular elements
- 0004628: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] modules in admin sorted by id, not title
- 0003494: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Problem with the blank fields "Order time" and "Payment date"
- 0004045: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Mark oders as "sent"
- 0004178: [6. ------ Setup -------] Selectlists bug when parent article is buyable
- 0004627: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Typo in shop_config::_serializeConfVar() when fixing float values
- 0004623: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] admin login, loginlogo.gif with double slash
- 0004794: [eFire connector] [1.3.15] Product attributes are not exported in more than 8 lanugages
78 issues View Issues
Released 2013-01-29
- 0003712: [1.06. Search, Tags] Do not allow tag reserved words
- 0004712: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] No discount in the order
- 0004859: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] wrong var type
- 0004845: [2.9. Statistics] Statistic Report1 not working
- 0004810: [4.07. Source code, Test] Typo in statistic_main.php "disables" reports
- 0002992: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Selected sorting, items per page and type of the list is not saved when navigating to other category
- 0004713: [4.07. Source code, Test] Make standard credit rating configurable
- 0004795: [6. ------ Setup -------] Duplicated table insertion performed in setup
- 0004811: [2.9. Statistics] Missing Include blocks rendering of statistics
- 0004477: [4.07. Source code, Test] Missing Setter for the delivery address
- 0004671: [4.07. Source code, Test] delivery address md5 function not extendable
11 issues View Issues
Released 2012-12-18
- 0004764: [4.07. Source code, Test] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function header_remove() in /core/oxconfig.php on line 903
- 0004747: [4.07. Source code, Test] Wrong text in emails (email_order_owner_html.tpl)
- 0004701: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "Price From"-calculation sets inherited prices to zero
- 0004802: [2.1. Master Settings] Content caching does not save values
- 0004529: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Declaring call methods as "private" prevents easy subclassing....
- 0004772: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] generic import offers views instead of db-columns
- 0004763: [4.05. Performance] oxDb::getInstance without fetchMode makes it hard to use it
- 0004736: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Parent RRP price is displayed if parent RRP price is less than VarMin price.
- 0004687: [1.05. Users] User gets too many notification then makes a login with incorrect credentials
9 issues View Issues
Released 2012-11-27
- 0004122: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Wrong error message is displayed, when coupon applied in basket with products from category "Skip all negative Discounts"
- 0004734: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxwCookieNote cleanup
- 0004517: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Product pictures with spaces in it wont be generated
- 0004278: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] unneeded assignments in oxutils
- 0004714: [4.07. Source code, Test] Database field names in \oxBase::getSelectFields() not escaped
- 0004698: [4.07. Source code, Test] typo in the source code
- 0003248: [4.07. Source code, Test] input and img tags aren't closed in some functions and templates
- 0003352: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxarticles and oxtimestamp are always formatted dates
- 0003389: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxarticlelist->loadAktionArticles should be oxarticlelist->loadActionArticles
- 0004704: [4.05. Performance] WIth 6700 articles, the query of crossselling can heavy slow down the server
- 0003982: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] forced basket-calculation - calculateBasket(true) - messes up discount calculation
- 0004489: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] If is removed the product which have "Greeting cart“ from basket, then "Greeting cart " is displayed in basket
- 0004699: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] New created template which use some templates from parent template can't be displayed in themes list for selection.
- 0004218: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] navigation/menu not refreshed after new module was activated
- 0004723: [4.06. Language and translations] EMAIL_SENDEDNOW_HTML_YUORTEAM
- 0004725: [4.06. Language and translations] SHOP_SEO_REPLACECHARS was deleted. Delete the help lang key for it as well
- 0004724: [4.06. Language and translations] 'GIFTCARD_COSTS' => 'Grußkarte',
- 0004719: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Incorrect date and time format
- 0003773: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Customer Number is not shown anywhere in orders
- 0004482: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Category as start page not working?
- 0004527: [4.06. Language and translations] Module-Language-Data can not be overwritten
- 0003321: [6. ------ Setup -------] /out/media/ instead of /out/pictures/media/ mentioned in documentation?
- 0004062: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Missing Feature in oxviewconfig::getResourceUrl
- 0004708: [4.06. Language and translations] No language files were found in templates dir for selected language!
24 issues View Issues
Released 2012-10-02
- 0004536: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Loading of items does not work for non-subshop items
- 0004678: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Article can not be converted to variant
- 0003454: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Article Long Description is false
3 issues View Issues
Released 2012-08-28
- 0004255: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Typo in settings parameter "constrains" which can be used in metadata.php for select lists
- 0004411: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Going to second basket step eShop crashes, if product become offline
- 0004391: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Compare list generate PHP fatal error if third compare article sold out.
- 0004154: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Impossible to set master category
4 issues View Issues
Released 2012-07-31
- 0004184: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] EE: LDAP for subshops do not work
- 0004211: [4.07. Source code, Test] new youtube links missing in oxmediaurl.php
- 0004111: [4.07. Source code, Test] method calls with added parameter
- 0004112: [4.07. Source code, Test] Bad comment about what method returns
- 0004176: [4.06. Language and translations] oxactivefrom and oxactiveto in news not working as expected
- 0004140: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Generating a PDF ends in wrong filename
- 0004092: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Typo: Staße should be Straße
7 issues View Issues
Released 2012-06-26
- 0003161: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxmediaurl ignores additional get parameters
- 0004005: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Order creation time is not updated when order processing is complete
- 0003623: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Change title and add help text for option "Calculate specific VAT for countries only in Shopping Cart and Checkout"
- 0003488: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Need add description about itm in the discount settings
- 0004037: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] New module installation setup does not support admin includes for AJAX popups
- 0003909: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Administer Users -> Users -> "Payment" has become redundant
- 0003471: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] No Bug, but bad usability: Changing Amount-Prices not possible.
- 0002066: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Wrong error message with credit card payment
8 issues View Issues
Released 2012-06-12
- 0004050: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] In Demo shop promotions banner link with short link leads to 404 error when choosing preview.
- 0004038: [1.10. RSS] Smarty not parsed in RSS, although smarty parsing activated for longdescriptions
- 0003935: [4.07. Source code, Test] php_flag display_errors "0" in .htaccess blocks image processing / upload
- 0004012: [4.08. Cache] force_sid not removed from cache when unneccessary
- 0004060: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] changes in longdesc of father are not updatet to variants if inherited
- 0004051: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Impossible to create inactive category
6 issues View Issues
Released 2012-04-26
- 0004015: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Version 4.6.0 has prefix ftr_ in SVN
- 0003906: [4.08. Cache] Sorting criteria is not passed to cache key, therefore sorting in cached version does not work
- 0003907: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Separate entries of the same product are shown in the basket
- 0002183: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Can't upload product pictures with JPEG format
- 0003285: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] missing translations
- 0004890: [4.07. Source code, Test] remove method oxArticle::isNotBuyable()
6 issues View Issues
Released 2012-03-27
- 0003657: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] On 4.6 PE version is problem with generated coupon numbers.
- 0003586: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] recommendation emails: "From" raises spam-score
- 0003746: [4.07. Source code, Test] lowercase fields don't work with lazy loading
- 0003173: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxarticles::_blNotBuyable-setter not used
- 0003090: [4.07. Source code, Test] fieldExists does not work with fields with lowercase letters
- 0003686: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Module chain is case sensitive
- 0003631: [4.08. Cache] existing seo-cache regularly overwritten with empty data
- 0003035: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] custom template files (tpl) not accessible
- 0003722: [4.05. Performance] in seoencoder queries used order by param = ... , its bad for performance
- 0003296: [4.05. Performance] using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS instead of adodb::recordCount() in oxarticlelist::loadCategoryArticles()
- 0003485: [4.05. Performance] Manufacturer product count cache is built too long
- 0001964: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Incorrect email sender in order confirmation
- 0003727: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Negative product price is possible with discount from 0 to 999999
- 0003587: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Category or product specific discounts round the discount value BEFORE multiplying x amount.
- 0002133: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] voucher reserved check is done redundantly
- 0002576: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Discount is added to cart multiple times if category is restricted
- 0003678: [1.06. Search, Tags] Tag-Pagination in "Back to Article" is not converted to SEO-Link and is returning 404
- 0003677: [1.06. Search, Tags] Tag-pagination in "back to article"-url is wrong when variants have same tags
- 0003115: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] After deleting a review "OXRATING" and "OXRATINGCNT" in "oxarticles" are untouched
- 0003690: [1.10. RSS] minor SEO-Optimization / Manicure for RSS-Channel Link
- 0003441: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] with option "don't show empty categories" on, number of articles in categories are shown, even if switched off
- 0003628: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] getModuleUrl does not work in Admin
- 0003291: [6. ------ Setup -------] ssl-check with $_SERVER
- 0003695: [1.05. Users] User doesn't get rid of saved basket if blPerfNoBasketSaving is enabled afterwards
- 0003073: [1.05. Users] email validation
- 0003674: [4.06. Language and translations] Change SUBMIT_ORDER key according to latest German legal right
- 0001600: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] No error message appears when something goes wrong with picture upload
- 0002125: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] mod rewrite is not checked for ssl config variable
28 issues View Issues
Released 2012-02-28
- 0002985: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Wrong code-documentation for onChange
- 0003347: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] three little text failures
- 0002034: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Extending Exceptions
- 0002097: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Inherited Amount prices are not displayed in Admin of subshop
- 0003328: [4.07. Source code, Test] Incorrect types given to some variables/agruments in oxOrder class
- 0003515: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxarticle::setArticleLongDesc: $this->_oLongDesc->orignalValue
- 0003542: [4.07. Source code, Test] No possibility of CoreTable Usage
- 0003576: [4.05. Performance] oxorder::getOrderArticles() doesnt stores list in object, and recalculates every time it is called
- 0003484: [4.05. Performance] big perfomance increase in oximex.php
- 0003381: [4.05. Performance] new seo loadFromCache functionality currently wastes 99% hits
- 0003561: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Exchange Payment or Shipping in the Orders (Main), is disappear itm from Orders (Products)
- 0003629: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] oxArticle::getArticleLongDesc() never calls content from parent article
- 0003385: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Slow Performance if bl_perfLoadVendorTree is present in config table
- 0003585: [6. ------ Setup -------] After Setup, both Links to Frontend and Backend open in the same Window
- 0002993: [4.06. Language and translations] admin/de/lang.php 'GENERAL_IVAT' => 'VAT', this should be 'MwSt'
- 0003490: [1.10. RSS] Incorect number of elements shown in the RSS feeds
- 0003558: [4.06. Language and translations] "VAT" in german: 7x "MwSt.", 4x "Mwst."
- 0003331: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] clone Error oxbasket
18 issues View Issues
Released 2012-01-31
- 0003451: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] class oxEmosAdapter is not extendable
- 0003393: [4.07. Source code, Test] getSqlActiveSnippet(true) does not force core table usage
- 0003468: [4.07. Source code, Test] utils->fround function doesnt round correct
- 0003362: [4.07. Source code, Test] Bug in reading template image options
- 0003276: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxaddparams issues
- 0003249: [4.07. Source code, Test] User "Patrick Hoffmann" in demodata
- 0003463: [4.07. Source code, Test] new oxbase innerlazy cache requires all db-fields written in uppercase
- 0003464: [4.08. Cache] oxblock smarty cache problem using oxtplblocks
- 0003386: [1.06. Search, Tags] searchparam _forHtml_ not used in breadcrumb
- 0003512: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Shop ist displaying net prices for articles with variants
- 0003127: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] sAltImageDir config parameter is ignored for product pictures
- 0003496: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Problem with validation code in the "Prace Alert"
- 0003341: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] recommended retail price is not displayed sometimes
- 0003493: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Products who have multidimentional variants in the products list is not culculation referred addition the price
- 0003456: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] not needed code in core/oxcategorielist.php fnc->_getSqlSelectFieldsForTree()
- 0003395: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Race condition in smarty func oxcontent cache mechanism when called with oxloadid param and oxloadid is present in two malls
- 0002666: [6. ------ Setup -------] Setup stops because of a pretended wrong PHP module for MySQL 5
- 0003521: [1.05. Users] Cookie should handled more properly on logout
- 0003422: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] ordersentdate will never be shown
- 0003392: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Missing filetypes in array $_aTypeToPath in class oxutilsfile.php
- 0002983: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Error message when selecting settings of custom theme
- 0002991: [4.06. Language and translations] wrong language is detected with similar language urls
- 0003380: [4.06. Language and translations] Typo in admin/en/help_lang.php (comma instead of dot)
- 0002005: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Invalid escpaing of &
24 issues View Issues
Released 2011-12-27
- 0003218: [1.05. Users] oxUser::addToGroup() stores wrong entity in oxUser::_oGroups attribute
- 0002184: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] error in spl implementation of Iterator
- 0003290: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] price additions of the mall are not displayed for the block prices
- 0002866: [4.07. Source code, Test] cachekey not configurable without extending every existing view
- 0002015: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Constant E_NONE not defined
- 0003412: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] "white page" appears when shop is set inactive
- 0002783: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] SEO decoder decodes history-url into expired-url
- 0003003: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] MetaTitle of CMS pages not shown in Browser
- 0003429: [4.05. Performance] HTML page is generated twice
- 0003434: [4.05. Performance] article2price always call even the article has no amount prices
- 0003436: [4.05. Performance] Runs SQL query for every canonical URL
- 0003410: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] An error in basket when setuping shop with selected country Austria
- 0002623: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Bug in oxorder->validateStock
- 0003353: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Order processed without confirmation for "Terms and Conditions"
- 0002063: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] No Shipping-Brutto in basket/order
- 0003428: [4.04. Security] executable files can be uploaded in admin
- 0002052: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] oxadminlog does not log delete actions
- 0002103: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] No dropdown for state in order addresses
- 0002105: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Needless button for resetting shipping date when order not shipped
- 0003312: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] double and wrong entries in fast sorting dropdown for categories in backend
- 0003408: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] languages in international shop is mismatched
- 0003378: [1.05. Users] After log out user should stay in the basket
- 0003433: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Inefficient code in oxNewsLetter::_assignProducts(), which slows down email sending
- 0003299: [4.06. Language and translations] missing entry for 'EXCEPTION_INPUT_NOTALLFIELDS' in map.php for Basic Theme
- 0003384: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Change title of option for "Prohibited User Groups for automatic User Group Assignment"
25 issues View Issues
Released 2011-09-06
- 0003134: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] EE: SSL call loading wrong shop
- 0002662: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Wrong voucher calculation for articles selected by categorie
- 0002789: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Coupon count is not working correct
- 0003105: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Econda string encoding treats spaces and other regular chars as special
- 0003139: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] econda integration doubles article visit counter
- 0003111: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Econda export missinterprets some values due to no more supported deprecated calls
- 0002570: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Prices of variants can't be saved easily
- 0003097: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Shopswitch in admin when selecting listitem (e.g. article)
- 0002897: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] existing article not found in oxid order administration
- 0003026: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Weird exception handling in oxshopcontrol->start
- 0003195: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Help popup in subshop Admin/Product/Variants is not shown
- 0002230: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] If inherited assignment is removed in subshop - assignment is also removed for parentshop
- 0002940: [4.07. Source code, Test] if you call "getVariants" in a save method of an article which does not exists it returns all parent articles of the shop
- 0002937: [4.07. Source code, Test] Missing "SET NAMES latin1 " in function getDb() - file /core/oxdb.php
- 0003045: [4.07. Source code, Test] double params in link
- 0003149: [4.07. Source code, Test] IE Bugs because of fonteffects
- 0003062: [4.07. Source code, Test] smarty function oxscript includes same file for each priority
- 0003080: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxdynimggenerator doesnt preserve image ratio
- 0003078: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxdynimggenerator doesnt work (4.5.0_37197)
- 0002196: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxpicturehandler.php version SVN ID not updated & wrong
- 0003155: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxConfig::getInstance()->getParameter return no GET-Params if request-method is post
- 0003076: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxemail deliberately breaks attachments
- 0003156: [4.07. Source code, Test] getBaseDir returns always non-SSL URL
- 0002865: [4.08. Cache] noncachable user components are not inititialised in initNonCacheableComponents
- 0003020: [4.08. Cache] When Dynamic content caching is enabled, switching themes return smarty errors and leaves the old theme on
- 0001971: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] oxseo static urls (also fetchUrl method) works incorrectly
- 0002502: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Internal Server Error after change the SEO Suffix for differing Similar SEO URLs
- 0002771: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] left.tpl template for basic theme has 2 different name tags for single search field
- 0003036: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Missing possibility to add comment and subscribe for newsletter while checkout (Azure) when logged in
- 0003084: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Alternative Template instead of the "details.tpl" for special articles doesn't work (Alt. Template)
- 0002755: [4.05. Performance] if master image resolution equals zoom resolution, the z-image is generated nevertheless and both images are downloaded to clien
- 0002435: [4.05. Performance] Rangeprice calculation unneccessary costy, especially annoying in admin
- 0002228: [2.6. Administer orders] Squares are displayed instead of doublebyte characters in PDF Invoice
- 0002599: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] itm discount (product) is not given for variant-product
- 0003136: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] delete() of oxvoucherseries has no return
- 0002660: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] Invitations, wrong Update-Query
- 0003174: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] Bonus points won't work in 4.5.1
- 0003119: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] since 4.5.0 invitations do not wok
- 0003153: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] when having functions declared in modules/functions.php no images are shown
- 0003148: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] save-function causes fatal error
- 0003118: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] inactive manufacturer accessable
- 0002237: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Recognizing assigned main category of a product with oxtime=0 in oxobject2category
- 0003077: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] in price category, counting how many products should be displayed differs from real displaying
- 0002976: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Strict Standards message in oxchkversion
- 0002894: [1.05. Users] Param "removeme" in Unsubsribe-Link rises Spam-Score 0.8 Points
- 0003112: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Stats / Statistics in admin area don't work
- 0003192: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] when generating reports (PE version) exception appears in exception log
- 0003121: [4.06. Language and translations] CMS snippet oxregisterplainaltemail in German shows English text
- 0002106: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] German country name in english backend
- 0001643: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Comments in menu.xml cause problems
- 0003138: [4.06. Language and translations] Multilanguage fields having different character case are not always detected as multilanguage
- 0003137: [1.05. Users] when shipping address country is changed in front end it's affects displayed billing country.
- 0003157: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] updateApp run_cli.php: when asked if you want to relocate pictures, only yes is possible
- 0002840: [4.06. Language and translations] Multilang fields in non-standard tables (e.g. in custom tables)
- 0003131: [1.05. Users] When user register with email address which has been already registered, the info from field "what I want to say" disappears
- 0003143: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] White page after updating to 4.5.x
- 0002702: [4.06. Language and translations] Views are not updated if a language is added through a shell script
- 0002718: [4.06. Language and translations] views for one language contain only fields from main table
- 0002689: [4.06. Language and translations] Check if language field exists searchs always in one table
- 0002738: [4.06. Language and translations] indexes for language fields in additonal tables are not created
- 0002692: [4.06. Language and translations] When there is only one langauge per table, multilanguage fields can not be recognized
- 0003068: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Last product on comparison list has right arrow too
- 0003124: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] update script 4.4.8 to 4.5.x shall determine if user has privileges to update views
- 0003132: [6. ------ Setup -------] Shop setup: change shop title and prefix to neutral in setup.
- 0003021: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Bug while sorting select lists.
- 0003052: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] long description and tags are saved wrong in EE
- 0003122: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Update to 4.5.1 transform Shop to "OXID Surf- und Kiteshop"
- 0003128: [4.06. Language and translations] Warnings because oxlang.php and texts are not shown in frontend
- 0002830: [6. ------ Setup -------] images of demo articles are always installed
- 0003079: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] RSS link popup is cut off by parent div
- 0002609: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] In oxchkversion - check all directories with .php and .tpl files
- 0002388: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] bad performance and even crashes when loading long variant-list in admin
- 0002380: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] duplicate slashes remove fails if https
73 issues View Issues
Released 2011-08-09
- 0002963: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Display oxfreeshipping, oxnonmaterial and oxremindactive as read-only for variant-products
- 0001863: [1.06. Search, Tags] Misbehavior of search field and breadcrumb navigation after search
- 0001721: [4.07. Source code, Test] Missing functionality for custom component handling
- 0002979: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Code for Econda integration is not full in eShop
- 0002257: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Econda integration does not work for multishops with seperated URLs
- 0002875: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] oxConfig::mustAddShopIdToRequest() does not check admin state (EE only)
- 0002515: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Misleading error message in contact message handling
- 0002706: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Product Export exports data only in DE language
- 0002901: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] insert into oxfield2shop fails
- 0002180: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Subcategories not automatically occurs in subshop
- 0003075: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Active subshop ID value is dropped from session, default shop id is set
- 0002437: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] New delivery address is not selected if just saved
- 0002628: [4.07. Source code, Test] literal error at comment in oxarticle.php line 720
- 0002926: [4.07. Source code, Test] Add list elements to Billing and Shipping address forms
- 0002957: [4.07. Source code, Test] the new oxtag.js is included as oxTag.js (which doesnt work on unix)
- 0003030: [4.07. Source code, Test] invalid html in order.tpl causing layout errors in IE7
- 0002932: [4.07. Source code, Test] Remove sTheme and sCustomTheme options from config.inc.php
- 0002927: [4.07. Source code, Test] id footerServices used twice
- 0002727: [4.07. Source code, Test] Bad comments in admin class VoucherSerie_Generate
- 0002732: [4.07. Source code, Test] CSS checkout rules from checkout.css overwritten in elements.css
- 0002741: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxarticle fails to save artextends if not in multilingual mode
- 0002870: [4.07. Source code, Test] HTML tag not closed
- 0003046: [4.07. Source code, Test] shipping address form shows a square in every line (ie7)
- 0003048: [4.07. Source code, Test] in order.tpl the billing and shipping address is implemented directly instead using widgets
- 0002619: [4.07. Source code, Test] OxArticles: redudant continue statement
- 0002037: [4.07. Source code, Test] typo in function name in core/oxdelivery.php
- 0003050: [4.07. Source code, Test] formated delivery costs not returned when zero
- 0000853: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] DB Session handling in eShop 4th does not work at all
- 0002819: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] article url generation without active category generates link in random category
- 0002825: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Change Title Prefix, Title Suffix and Front Page Title
- 0003007: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Missing type-Attribute in <script>-Tag if fb_init.tpl in Basic-Theme
- 0002877: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] top popup basket with more than 7 products: scrollbar does not work
- 0003025: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] regarding 0002569: no change required: issue not correctly handled
- 0002977: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] basket summary is "unstyleable"
- 0002974: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Table layout Checkout Step 1: Done with colgroup - very hard to modify with custom CSS
- 0002921: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] css class vat_order used in azure basketcontent.tpl is defined only in basic
- 0002918: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] basic theme: top_basket.tpl uses non-ssl and ssl-links to basket
- 0002881: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Brand list in footer: height unlimited
- 0002892: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Gradients broken in Opera browser
- 0002746: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Images are not regenerated when theme changed, according to theme specific image sizes
- 0002955: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] second name attribute in search input field in _left.tpl
- 0003065: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Line break in popup layers
- 0002848: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Possible Articles per Page do not change anymore when User has selected a Listview
- 0002961: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] when list is sorted: cant distinguish between asc and desc
- 0002674: [4.05. Performance] aList::getAttributes() is computed for each call
- 0002969: [4.05. Performance] oxArticle::getCategory() retrieves category from DB with each call
- 0002622: [4.05. Performance] details::init should not load product
- 0002876: [4.05. Performance] missing picture in details view causes ajax load of startpage
- 0002953: [4.05. Performance] oxscript smarty plugin with attribute add duplicates scripts.
- 0002774: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Missing terms and conditions text
- 0002832: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] not accepting terms and conditions throws no error message
- 0002843: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] users order history shows only last order in frontend
- 0002845: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Do not display "Submit your order at the bottom of this overview" when additional "Submit order" button is displayed
- 0002837: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] smarty syntax error on order submit
- 0002831: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] shipping address heading is shown in step4, even if left empty
- 0002365: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] You can't empty the order_remark textarea after you saved the billing address
- 0002642: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] the default text in order_remark is saved into the order in german
- 0003061: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Terms title displayed in order step 4 even confirmation is disabled
- 0003060: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Order step 4 link does not work properly
- 0002528: [2.6. Administer orders] In PDF invoice bill address first and lastname are inverted
- 0002442: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Netto ist rounded in brutto mode
- 0002938: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] isBelowMinOrderPrice does not add getNotDiscountProductsPrice to getDiscountedProductsBruttoPrice
- 0002441: [1.06. Search, Tags] TagCloud is loaded even if not used
- 0002685: [1.06. Search, Tags] if variant product has tag, in tag page this variant is displayed as independent product and page navigation does not work
- 0002612: [1.06. Search, Tags] tag separator is ignored while entering new tags
- 0002810: [1.06. Search, Tags] search parameter is lost after details page is entered
- 0002833: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Liking one product disables facebook like button for all other products in the shop
- 0002613: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] facebook like button, wrong article picture
- 0002775: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] facebook javascript for connect loaded, even if all facebook options deactivated
- 0002263: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Session Problems with Facebook activated in CE/PE/EE
- 0002849: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Facebook session problem is back in Azure
- 0002929: [4.02. Session handling] Azure language switch destroys session
- 0002798: [1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econda] Gefällt mir Button in einem Produkt ist nicht Produktspezifisch
- 0002900: [1.08. Listmania, Notice list, Gift registry] Redirect after trying to visit an recommendation List with 2 articles in it
- 0002826: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Variant (size) is missing for Kuyichi T-Shirt TIGER
- 0002879: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Chosen product picture not displayed as zoom
- 0002893: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] with Loadvariants switched off, variants are displayed empty in grid view
- 0002874: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] rrp Price should only be shown, if $product->getFTPrice() > $product->getFPrice()
- 0003051: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] the gallery shows only half images in IE7
- 0002809: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Redirect to startpage after selecting an variant at details view using IE
- 0002231: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Admin settings for "apply VAT in cart" and "net product pricing" don't work for Variants
- 0002986: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] In BASIC theme when selecting a variant for an article and clicking "More info" shows an error that 'setLinkType' doesn't exist
- 0001627: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] shop path is resetted, if after search for multidimensional variant button "more info" is clicked
- 0002834: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Needless id output within category_options loop (basic theme)?
- 0002768: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Hidden Categories are shown
- 0002767: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Bug 2344 not fixed!
- 0003086: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Activated "fast sorting" for categories breaks frontend category lists in foreign languages
- 0002899: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] switching language with active attribute filter does not translate the filter
- 0001695: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] filtering misbehavior, then no article match criteria
- 0002920: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] if gift wrapping is off, table-html in basket has to many columns in colspan rows
- 0002922: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] closeOverlay (Cancel) in gift wrapping popup does not work
- 0002923: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] gift wrapping without picture tries to load pictures/0 as image
- 0003117: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Trusted Shops settings are not displayed in admin area
- 0003114: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Missing order remark field in checkout step 2
- 0002769: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "Continue shopping" Button in cart is malformed
- 0002883: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Text 'Umfangreiches Produktsortiment und blitzschneller Versand!' should be removed
- 0001959: [6. ------ Setup -------] Installation Step 3. Accepting License terms
- 0002970: [1.10. RSS] RSS icon is in wrong place in category ( IE9 )
- 0002906: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Pictures thumbails in details view does not has triagle over selected border
- 0002861: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Header of Details section should have product title instead of Category
- 0002803: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] MySQL 5.5 Query Syntax Error when executing dynexportbase.php -> Reason TYPE=HEAP
- 0002721: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] When there are several drop-downs with variants in details page, other content should be moved down
- 0002710: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] short and long descriptions for category are not visible, if category has no products
- 0003083: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] in tags or search page, after selecting sorting, previously selected layout view is also changed
- 0002905: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] in home page after product is added to basket, 2 menu items are selected in top menu and 2 Tag boxes appears
- 0002917: [4.02. Session handling] Session gets lost when clicking on products in right side Minibasket during SSL-checkout
- 0002758: [4.06. Language and translations] oxfield2shop does not work with multilingual fields
- 0003047: [1.05. Users] shipping address duplication on every checkout
- 0002968: [1.05. Users] some unnessessary and/or wrong nbsp in #addresstext (return from checkout step 3 to step 2)
- 0003015: [4.06. Language and translations] in payment.tpl back-text from order is used
- 0002569: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Custom theme: image inheritance not working if img-folder is present in custom theme
- 0002550: [4.02. Session handling] Session is lost in redirectAfterLogin() in account.php if SSL is enabled in Shop
- 0002982: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Wrong description of Azure theme
- 0002512: [4.02. Session handling] Session-Loss
- 0002855: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] shop throws some js errors with ssl and IE8
- 0002939: [4.02. Session handling] usage without cookies impossible
- 0002946: [4.02. Session handling] Secure cookie causes session loss if user clicks a http link on a https without param force_sid
- 0002967: [4.06. Language and translations] shipping address using same word for first and for lastname ("name")
- 0002951: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] basket expiration: items are shown wen basket expired
- 0002649: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] shop very slow in IE8
- 0002853: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Top of the shop mouseOver does not work with IE8
- 0002818: [4.06. Language and translations] Some wrong german translations in admin panel
- 0002925: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Changes in CMS Pages of a subshop are saved for all Subshops.
- 0002975: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Form validation: after submit when error occurs bad element not red and without error message
- 0002749: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Category navigation shown right when clicking newsletter from productview
- 0002978: [6. ------ Setup -------] Eshop setups third step has a typo in "I acceppt license conditions"
- 0002886: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] sum of available articles in category brackets
- 0002864: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Use new icon (basket) as favicon
- 0002973: [4.06. Language and translations] text for next-step buttons in step 1 and step 2 use the same lang-ident
- 0002935: [4.06. Language and translations] Constant PAGE_ACCOUNT_FORGOTPWD_ERRLINKEXPIRED is missing in tpl-language file
- 0002795: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "back to overwiew"-link is wrong while using fast sorting
- 0002947: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] private sales login confirmation miss link to shop itself
- 0002964: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] The brand slider "View All Products" link dissapears after mouse over on "spec offer box"
- 0002950: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] When adding a new manufacturer without a picture, list items in the frontend are shown incorrect height
- 0002760: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] variant shows no image altough cloud-zoom seems to have one
- 0002854: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] order step 4 design needs to be fixed for IE8
- 0002763: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] by-brands layout: number of articles hidden when long brand name
- 0002720: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] details view: price jumps when Block-Price Box is opened/closed
- 0002455: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Unnecessary Tag in news_text.tpl in Admin
- 0002636: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "Back to overview" button is missing in azure templates
- 0002842: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] wrong shopid in admin
- 0002904: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] eShop crashes when selecting filter in category and then changing language
- 0002497: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Admin Articlefilter shows html entities
- 0002519: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] 404 page is does not set an approriate Content-Type header
- 0002885: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] in order step3, link with step name '3. Pay' is not working
- 0002888: [4.02. Session handling] selecting wrapping without cookies kills session
- 0002873: [1.10. RSS] Error when klicking on RSS icon
- 0002851: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] admin has no favicon
- 0002800: [1.05. Users] parts of bread crumb within account managment is not linked
- 0002243: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Links on eFire Kosmos are switched
- 0001941: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Unify writting of "email" everywhere in eShop
- 0002882: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Menu in details page should be shown longer and more visible after mouseOut from it
- 0002799: [1.05. Users] Click on "Hello John Doe" in header opens "Change Password"
- 0002631: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] when user with long username is logged in, frontend design is damaged
- 0002554: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Move options for handling Categories to theme specific tab for Basic theme only
- 0002498: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Private sales registration form styling
- 0002723: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] need to fix delivery text layout in details page
- 0001770: [1.05. Users] users demodata for EE version should be changed
- 0002857: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] in frontend it should be possible to click on basket icon, and it should appear only after mouseOver longer on it
- 0002698: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] week's special: only "to cart" is linked
- 0002859: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] reintroduce field oxsoldamount for fastsorting in categories
- 0002781: [4.06. Language and translations] FORM_NEWSLETTER_TITLE wrong
- 0002805: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] buying product from "Customers who bought this products, also bought: " does not work
- 0002766: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] second row of main categories destroys page layout
- 0001761: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] fast sorting field has some options, that have no sense for sorting
- 0002823: [1.05. Users] in step 2, open new account, user is asked twice for newsletter subscription
- 0002695: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Fix drop-down occuring next to Product title in Details page
- 0002812: [6. ------ Setup -------] Fix MySQL version checked in System Health page
- 0002806: [1.10. RSS] RSS Feeds are dont filled in basic template
- 0002752: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "Don't Show Empty Categories" hides too much categories
- 0002778: [4.06. Language and translations] INC_HEADER_TITLEPAGE not defined in lang
- 0002815: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Mark labels for mandatory fields in bold and place missing warning
- 0002811: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] The text about mandatory fields marked in bold is not shown in Order 2nd step
- 0002753: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] with option "don't show empty categories" on, number of articles in categories are shown, even if switched off
- 0002793: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Include Tag cloud below Categories tree in the left-side menu
- 0002708: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Category is not highlighted in top menu
- 0002639: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] blEnterNetPrice in wrong admin-submenue
- 0002672: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] new demodata needs some changes
- 0002694: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Rename menu "Manufacturers" to "Brands/Manufacturers"
179 issues View Issues
Released 2011-04-11
- 0002629: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Blank window then logout from product details page
- 0002486: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Duplicated unused code
- 0002751: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Misleading error message for missing template
- 0002664: [4.05. Performance] details page loads eshop again as an image
- 0002656: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] DE word "AGB" in EN shop displayed
- 0002703: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Change Wrapping notes and colors in 1st step of Order
- 0002641: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] "what i wanted to say" not shown in step2
- 0002712: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] VAT ID check URL changed again
- 0002359: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] BE wrong format on sum total orders overview for german location
- 0002324: [1.06. Search, Tags] if user logs in while in tags page, warning appears
- 0002626: [1.06. Search, Tags] tags does not properly work when caching is on
- 0002461: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Wrong order in size dropdown
- 0002724: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] magic zoom is not working anymore in details page
- 0002696: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] when option Use multidimensional variants is off, md variants are still used in details page
- 0002583: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Choosing variants in product view fails
- 0002690: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Selection lists does not use new design element, plain <select>'s are used
- 0002535: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Wrong rating-stars calculation
- 0002469: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Cannot buy variant products
- 0002704: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] option "Parent" Products can be purchased is ignored in details page
- 0002924: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] If article is rated in Frontend without comment the rating is not saved.
- 0002846: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Using [{oxgetseourl type="oxcategory" oxid="OXID"}] in categorie longtext crashes apache
- 0002340: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Brand overview layout destroyed in IE
- 0002572: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] category sorting with same sort-value sorts by default language
- 0002595: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] gift wrapping popup stylesheet problem in IE8
- 0002594: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] wrapping popup cancel/submit texts
- 0002518: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Active theme marker is shown only after reload
- 0001976: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Wrong product price displayed when "Load Variants in Lists" option is unchecked
- 0002520: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Swapped vendor and manu
- 0001909: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] In order overview currency is shown although article or order is cancelled
- 0002733: [4.06. Language and translations] after copying an article to a language not in the main table the language is not shown as set up
- 0002566: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Input field for discount value is missing
- 0002667: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] GENERAL_SUMTOTAL is not formatted at all
- 0002460: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] If "Display Variants in Assignment Lists in eShop admin" setting is activated, assignement popups aren't scrollable anymore
- 0002691: [4.06. Language and translations] the language fields are always added to the main table
- 0002731: [4.06. Language and translations] long description for articles in additional languages isalways saved in main table
- 0002683: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] also bought list uses two colums where three would fit
- 0002471: [4.06. Language and translations] Not possible to create more than 8 languages
- 0002715: [4.06. Language and translations] sql for dublicating multilang fields generates fields always in the original table
- 0002699: [4.06. Language and translations] max lang id in database is only retrieved from main table
- 0002700: [4.06. Language and translations] oxDbMetaDataHandler can not add multiple languages at once to the database
- 0002688: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] update sqls will handle only 4 languages in multilingual update statements
- 0002725: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] In chrome browser some buttons are bigger
- 0002650: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] right navigation product-lists dont work in IE7+8
- 0002722: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] picture is missing for Wakeboarding / Bindungen category
- 0002717: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Layout of product box in lists is corrupted when product has variants
- 0002716: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Layout issues with FB buttons and "Have you seen" image sizes
- 0002709: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] When there are no products in basket, it should not display 0 over small basket
- 0002719: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] product pictures displaced in ie7+8
- 0002647: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] mouse-over stylesheet broken after adding to basket
- 0002713: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] when variant/selection list is selected in search results list, it is redirected to category, however, it should stay in search
- 0002675: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] need to fix category layout in azure templates
- 0002661: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] icon for search field is not visible in IE8
- 0002684: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Text in product compare overlays
- 0002600: [4.06. Language and translations] select all checkbox in basket not translated ("All")
- 0002632: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] some constants are missing in language file
- 0002665: [6. ------ Setup -------] "MySQL Modul für MySQL 5" in system health check
- 0002682: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] brand logos proportions disorted
- 0002654: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] remove options from azure theme that are only valid for basic theme
- 0002627: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] All category boxes should have the same size as the longest category box
- 0002640: [4.06. Language and translations] "Display cart" in basket-mouseover wrong translation
- 0002543: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] product zoom picture size should be changed for Azure theme
- 0002390: [1.10. RSS] RSS feeds Missing in some parts of the Shop
- 0002651: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] right navigation product-lists: pictures not linked and sometimes strange format
63 issues View Issues
Released 2011-01-25
- 0002244: [4.07. Source code, Test] oxorderarticles saves text with converted special chars
- 0002223: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] variant page works even if parent article is inactive
- 0002575: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Then adding param: to $this->sAdminSSLURL in cofing site don't redirect correctly
- 0002297: [4.06. Language and translations] Language constant for "into basket indicator" is missing
- 0001649: [1.05. Users] No Error-Message if you quit your newsletter-subscription and type in a wrong E-Mail
- 0002384: [4.04. Security] even if admin uses ssl, in some cases it uses non ssl url to go to
- 0002229: [4.04. Security] SQL injection is possible when using some particular functionality
- 0002379: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] User logout after login in admin area
- 0002186: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] display currency sign next to each price in admin (administer orders area)
- 0002356: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] Error message to delete UpdateApp should not be displayed in frontend
- 0002040: [1.11. Private Sales, Invitations] private sales shop catalogue is accessable without login
- 0001897: [4.06. Language and translations] Rename option "Active" to "Active in frontend" for languages and include Help tooltip for it
- 0001614: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] order_overview: oxremark not wrapped
- 0002188: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] change copyright notice in front end
- 0002131: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Password in Admin-Interface should not be displayed in plain text
- 0002014: [4.06. Language and translations] "Back to Overview" of "By Brand/Manufacturer" changes language
16 issues View Issues
Released 2010-11-30
- 0002214: [4.08. Cache] caching of class_file_paths brakes the file on concurrent request
- 0002156: [4.07. Source code, Test] Zoompicture - records will deleted from oxarticles
- 0002202: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Category Sorting in language a affects category sorting in language b
- 0002172: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] oxcmp_basket::tobasket sets wrong article amount to _setLastCall
- 0002137: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] oxldap support is broken
- 0001917: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Inappropriate Error Reporting on SMTP errors
- 0002192: [4.07. Source code, Test] Image handling doesn't work correcty
- 0002206: [4.07. Source code, Test] Improper reading of Tags from DB
- 0002210: [4.07. Source code, Test] Fix the incorrect values of oxactive
- 0002176: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] oxBase::exists() fails on custom primary key column names
- 0002209: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] removing products from category results in complete expire of SEO URLs - heavy performance issue
- 0002147: [1.06. Search, Tags] Article list is not displayed for selected tag if tag name contains words less than 4 characters length
- 0002122: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] New product pictures will not be generated
- 0002190: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] picture replacing doesn`t work
- 0002152: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] AJAX lists are almost unusable when there are lot of products
- 0002127: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] shipping cost rules: query time - increases exponentially
- 0002222: [4.04. Security] Improper handling of quotes in eShop input field
- 0002204: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Problem with pictures whose suffix matches _p(\d)+
- 0002221: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Move redundant text about Credit Cards to Help text in Admin
- 0002119: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Confusing german translation for ARTICLE_OVERVIEW_LEFTORDERCNT
- 0001937: [4.03. 3rd party libraries] Deprecated method in DTAUS on PHP 5.3
- 0001998: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Wrong Error message if config.inc.php is not read-only
- 0001796: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] after inserting picture1 to product, Product tab is not refreshed correctly
23 issues View Issues
Released 2010-07-27
- 0001957: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] order history throws an error
- 0002010: [2.6. Administer orders] myorder.php uses ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_TSPROTECTION instead of ORDER_OVERVIEW_PDF_PAYMENTIMPACT
- 0001905: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] articles with oxskipdiscounts = 1 are not included in payment-amount check
- 0001868: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Wrong value for discount in oxvouchers.OXDISCOUNT
- 0001934: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Negative discount is not calculated in the basket
- 0000970: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Transparent PNG pictures will lose their transperency
- 0001996: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] dynexportbase::getOneArticle doesn't continue if article price lower than minPrice
- 0001869: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] System requirements does not support custom theme directories
- 0001995: [6. ------ Setup -------] Error on instalation
- 0001979: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] No E-Fire in adminarea
- 0001975: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] after utf-8 shop update from 4.2.0 to 4.4.0 oxstate special chars in DE lang are not displayed correctly
- 0001983: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Dialog Popup Files seem not to include Custom functions.php
- 0001984: [5. ------ UpdateApp / Update ------] updateApp ignores mysql errors
13 issues View Issues