OXID eShop (all versions) - Change Log
Released 2014-02-25
- 0005625: [4.01. Database handling] amount of view tables does not depend on amount of languages per shop
- 0005635: [4.04. Security] Certain request parameters causes HTTP request splitting
- 0005611: [4.04. Security] Parameter is not converted to special chars
- 0005641: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Fatal Error after activating oxskipdiscounts
- 0005603: [4.07. Source code, Test] some header comments contain old SVN version tags
- 0005576: [4.11. Image handling] Generated GIFs results in poor quality when being resized
- 0005165: [4.11. Image handling] Image heredity of variant pictures is wrong
- 0004424: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] There should be possibility to extend same class more than one time in one module.
- 0004129: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] metadata.php changes are not committed right to aModules
- 0004025: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] no update of tbl:oxtplblocks by changing module/metadata.php 'blocks' => array()
10 issues View Issues