OXID eShop (all versions) - Change Log
Released 2023-05-30
- 0007141: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] error in templte preventing block override
- 0006082: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] currency switch when clicking on basketitem
- 0007027: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] demodata discount is not possible with other discounts, because non-existent article is assigned
- 0006039: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] if picture #1 is empty or still deleted the zoom picture will not be displayed
- 0005426: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] oxDropDown causes Lag on clicks
- 0005529: [2.4. Administer products] Footer in each admin list not encapsulated by a block
- 0007349: [4.03. 3rd party libraries] Unnecessary dependency Unzer SDK in the OXID EE metapackage
- 0007335: [2.4. Administer products] Active-Icon not visible
- 0007279: [2.2. Shop settings] Shop deactivated modules
- 0007191: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] OXID of Chief buyer gives user list suggestions from other sub-shops and master shop as well.
- 0007121: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Event onActivate executes on each SAVE module settings
- 0007010: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] B2B edition do not work completely using Wave Theme
- 0006684: [4.01. Database handling] rudiments in demo data leads to wrong working discount rule
- 0006941: [1.05. Users] First entry in account breadcrumb not propperly linked
- 0006699: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Two issues with the serialized basket
- 0006631: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Problem by loading font-awesome.min.css in modul Visual CMS in subshop
- 0006734: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Product images are not correct displayed for variants
- 0006707: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] Attribute Filter is not considered a "session required action"
- 0006563: [General] getImageUrl() is bad for Shop Logos!
- 0006333: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Adding something to the basket does a full page reload
- 0006236: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] javascripts executed twice
- 0004722: [4.07. Source code, Test] Shop config is not reloaded on shop id change
- 0006037: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] deleted plugins remain in "aDisabledModules" which might cause problems later
- 0005504: [2.4. Administer products] individual template for one article doesn't work anymore without adapting code
- 0005862: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] newsletter.tpl: missing colons for title, last name and email labels
- 0005819: [4.06. Language and translations] wrong lang variable
- 0005759: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] "more"-Links are not marked "current" in Topmenu
- 0005744: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] Switching language in category "more" redirects to startpage
- 0005637: [6. ------ Setup -------] Unused config options
- 0005350: [2.6. Administer orders] Administer Orders -> Orders -> Main -> Save ignores discounts
- 0007190: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Customer is not able to set budget despite he configured "Everybody can use B2B" flag in buying agent module
- 0006262: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] "Account" shouldn't appear in top navigation at all if user isn't logged in yet
- 0006822: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Admin templates can't be changed in source if they are overwritten in pe/ee
- 0006219: [2.1. Master Settings] Missing documentation for not allowed signs in SMTP fields.
- 0006143: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] Adding CMS page to category menu -> selection of menu item is not displayed in menu (no background)
- 0007418: [8. --- Twig engine ---] Cannot extend dynamically included templates in twig
- 0007223: [4.02. Session handling] force session start leads to sid parameters on all links on first page request
- 0007074: [4.05. Performance] workaround for #36008 bug in php in file Utils.php wihtout phpversion check
- 0005532: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Custom variant selections no longer possible
- 0005274: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Showing submenu in topnavigation not able with android tablets
- 0004942: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Changing Module ID will move old module(id) to aDiabledModules and let them stay there until the module directory is deleted
- 0004919: [3.1. Design, GUI, UX] Product image moves if an article title has two or three lines
- 0003723: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] CMS pages with plain-param are indexed
- 0007414: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] javascript console error, if removing sliders
44 issues View Issues