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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006082OXID eShop (all versions)1.03. Basket, checkout processpublic2024-01-23 15:24
Reportertjungcl Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.9.3 / 5.2.3 
Summary0006082: currency switch when clicking on basketitem
DescriptionIf you add an article to the basket in a currency other than the default currency, the cur-parameter is part of the basket-items link.
So, if you change the currency and then click on the item that was added before, the currency switches back.
Steps To Reproduce- set currency USD
- put something to basket
- set currency CHF
- go to Basket
- click Basketitem
-> currency is USD again
Additional InformationBug exists at least since 4.6 and lies in the caching of basket-item links.
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