View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007682OXID eShop (all versions)1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)public2025-03-07 12:10
ReporterGabriel Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version7.3.0 
Summary0007682: Shipping costs are charged twice
DescriptionThe shipping costs are displayed or calculated twice in both the shopping cart and the checkout (e.g. 10 euros are displayed instead of 5 euros) until the shopping cart is recalculated, e.g. by clicking on "Address" on "Payment and shipping" in the checkout or by increasing the number of products in the shopping cart. After this, the shipping costs remain correct and are no longer displayed incorrectly even if the shopping cart is completely emptied. When you log in again, the shipping costs are displayed incorrectly again.

Steps To ReproduceSettings in Admin:
Shipping method -> only one (in the standard store shipping package)
Shipping costs -> standard with the condition from 1 item, price surcharge/discount (€) with value abs, calculation rules for each item
                            + with category assignment (see screenshot of the settings)
Additional InformationQA -SG-:

Set delivery cost per item
add items to basket
log out and log in again
you should see a delivery costs of items+1 * costs , not items * costs.
TagsCalculations, Delivery, Price Calculation
Attached Files
Warenkorb 1.png (64,630 bytes)   
Warenkorb 1.png (64,630 bytes)   
Warenkorb 2.png (64,559 bytes)   
Warenkorb 2.png (64,559 bytes)   
Warenkorb 3.png (64,806 bytes)   
Warenkorb 3.png (64,806 bytes)   
PHP Version8.0
Database VersionNot defined



2024-06-25 13:08

administrator   ~0017085

Dear Gabriel,

please report issues in english. I translated it now.

I reproduced an issue with log out and log in. Then the basket has too much delivery costs, so as if the total amount of items would be one item more than there is.

Best Regards



2024-06-25 13:55

reporter   ~0017086

Ohh okay, I wrote it in German because everything was in German, but in the future I will write it in English :D

I also have this problem without the logout and login step, but it always happens after the login.

Best Regards