• 0006231: [4.08. Cache] Parameter noscript of function.oxid_include_widget.php is no longer used
  • 0006813: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] oxModuleInstaller::_filterModuleArray() compares path with id
  • 0006773: [2.4. Administer products] WYSIWYG-Pro doesn't work in Internet Explorer 11 any more
  • 0006409: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] OXID EE: Links for Zend Guard are broken in Zend Guard warning message
  • 0006156: [6. ------ Setup -------] The configuration parameter "aLanguageParams" occurs twice in the table oxconfig
  • 0006208: [1. ----- eShop frontend -----] Wrong LangIdent in invite-mail
  • 0006198: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Horizontally scroll bar in all tabs of admin panel
  • 0005797: [3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript] Encoding is not correct in ajax calls when shop is not utf-8
  • 0005280: [4.01. Database handling] Setting up a shop with demo data in English will mix up the languages for the start page banners
  • 0006304: [4.09. SEO, SEO URL] oxseohistory is left untouched when deleting entities like oxArticle, oxCategory, oxContent, oxManufacturer, oxVendor
  • 0006395: [1.05. Users] Gender dropdown only supports "Mr" and "Mrs"
  • 0006139: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Refactor pagination
  • 0006191: [1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages] System does not strip whitespaces after and before E-Mail-Addresses
  • 0005441: [6. ------ Setup -------] remove demodata from packages
  • 0005085: [4.07. Source code, Test] adding attachments to order email for customer does not work
  • 0004975: [4.07. Source code, Test] Improve oxemail class methods
  • 0006241: [4.05. Performance] Javascript and css are not combined and not minified
  • 0006129: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] update query on oxseo can cause performance issue
  • 0006612: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] Missing Smarty block in admin Template
  • 0005307: [4. ------ eShop Core -------] Cookies are changed by checkParamSpecialChars's several times
  • 0006283: [1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)] Voucher vat calculation
  • 0006732: [4.04. Security] oxdefaultadmin is still used as user ID
  • 0006704: [2.2. Shop settings] If RDFa is activated in EE the product details page can no longer be reached
  • 0006711: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] admin/oxajax.php needs to handle module namespaced ajax container classes
  • 0006668: [2.3. Extensions (modules, themes)] in source/admin/oxajax.php ControllerClassNameResolver is not used for resolving container. Can't create custom drag&drop in mod
  • 0006702: [2.6. Administer orders] Disabled controls are not clearly visible as not writable
26 issues View Issues