• 0007231: [8. --- Twig engine ---] ifcontent will parse body even if content not existing
  • 0007069: [1.03. Basket, checkout process] Variant selection drop down list in wish list has no effect
  • 0007114: [1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)] HTML error in the template lead to errors in microdata
  • 0007099: [4.07. Source code, Test] The package oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce contains demo data
  • 0007683: [4.06. Language and translations] Adding a fifth language to the shop causes database errors
  • 0007324: [4.02. Session handling] Existing sessions should be destroyed on password change
  • 0007659: [2.1. Master Settings] Change text of "Do not bill VAT only if provided valid VAT ID "
  • 0006471: [2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----] Malformed HTML can prevent backend submit buttons from getting unlocked
8 issues View Issues