| | | minor | | 0007197 | 2024-07-10 | 3 | assigned | 2.1. Master Settings | Option "General Informations" is visible after Migration a CE in a EE |
| | | major | | 0007513 | 2024-07-10 | | confirmed | 2.4. Administer products | Set Category exclusively visible recursive - no drag and drop, strange behavior of "(Un-)Assing all" |
| | | minor | | 0007141 | 2024-07-10 | 2 | acknowledged | 2.3. Extensions (modules, themes) | error in templte preventing block override |
| | | major | | 0004844 | 2024-07-05 | | confirmed | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | Missing article in list when used blUseTimeCheck |
| | | minor | | 0006176 | 2024-07-05 | 3 | acknowledged | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Discounts on Article level don't display correctly |
| | | minor | | 0007594 | 2024-07-04 | | confirmed | 2. ----- eShop backend (admin) ----- | SSL admin url doesn't work |
| | | minor | | 0007031 | 2024-07-03 | 1 | confirmed | 6. ------ Setup ------- | For Mexico there are no states stored in OXID, which can lead to problems with PayPal. |
| | | minor | | 0007658 | 2024-07-03 | | resolved | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | If you have multiple shipping addresses, you can't change them in checkout |
| | | major | | 0006931 | 2024-07-03 | | confirmed | 4.08. Cache | EE: Article::onChange calls ContentCache::reset twice. |
| | | major | | 0007650 | 2024-07-03 | | confirmed | 2.4. Administer products | EE: Removing products from a category doesn't respect the viewable / buyable rights |
| | | major | | 0007121 | 2024-07-03 | 2 | resolved | 2.3. Extensions (modules, themes) | Event onActivate executes on each SAVE module settings |
| | | minor | | 0007118 | 2024-07-03 | 2 | confirmed | 4.07. Source code, Test | ProjectYamlDao::saveProjectConfigFile does not check if file is writeable |
| | | trivial | | 0007117 | 2024-07-03 | 1 | resolved | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | wrong function call in the template leads to shop offline, e.g. if a TAG is called |
| | | minor | | 0007103 | 2024-07-03 | | confirmed | 4.12. Subshop handling | inheritance of SEO meta tags to sub shops does not work |
| | | minor | | 0007090 | 2024-07-03 | 1 | confirmed | 1. ----- eShop frontend ----- | Oxscript handles relative URI without protocol as local file |
| | | trivial | | 0007083 | 2024-07-03 | 1 | resolved | 1.05. Users | changeuser doesn't check raw password input |
| | | minor | | 0007082 | 2024-07-03 | 1 | acknowledged | 6. ------ Setup ------- | avoid force_sid URL parameter |
| | | feature | | 0007073 | 2024-07-03 | | confirmed | 2.4. Administer products | Left entries from the popup "Assign article" in the category management do not disappear after assignment |
| | | minor | | 0007072 | 2024-07-03 | | acknowledged | 2.6. Administer orders | Fehler bei Ă„nderung der Versandart |
| | | minor | | 0007686 | 2024-06-27 | | acknowledged | 2.8. Service | Twig Template uses string instead of variable to enclose... |
| | | minor | | 0007028 | 2024-06-27 | | acknowledged | 2. ----- eShop backend (admin) ----- | Export: dataset is incomplete |
| | | text | | 0007684 | 2024-06-27 | | confirmed | 6. ------ Setup ------- | Documentation Improvement for Module Migrations |
| | | major | | 0003499 | 2024-06-26 | 1 | confirmed | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | Not sorting by price in frontend if price is A, B or C |
| | | minor | | 0007052 | 2024-06-26 | 8 | acknowledged | 4.01. Database handling | DB 'NULL' value for DB float/double types not possible |
| | | tweak | | 0007038 | 2024-06-26 | 1 | confirmed | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | manipulable GET request parameter executes wrong dynamic method call |
| | | feature | | 0007046 | 2024-06-26 | 1 | confirmed | 4.05. Performance | Approximately 95 queries on the database when saving the object rights in the role settings |
| | | minor | | 0007032 | 2024-06-26 | 1 | confirmed | 4.08. Cache | [EE] Cache-Control entry adds falsy semicolon |
| | | minor | | 0007029 | 2024-06-26 | 4 | confirmed | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Redeem voucher "0" breaks frontend |
| | | minor | | 0007679 | 2024-06-25 | 1 | acknowledged | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | Javascript of modules are not found in basket, after you increase or decrease the amount of product or delete it |
| | | minor | | 0007600 | 2024-06-25 | 1 | resolved | 4.04. Security | Metapackages 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 7.0 containing an unsecure package version of composer/composer |
| | | feature | | 0007680 | 2024-06-24 | 1 | acknowledged | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | Clicking on "Move to notice list" results in removing the product from basket |
| | | minor | | 0007644 | 2024-06-24 | 2 | resolved | 2.5. Administer users | can't delete user groups |
| | | crash | | 0007677 | 2024-06-19 | | acknowledged | 6. ------ Setup ------- | During setup, the SymfonyCache is already needed, although it is not yet present |
| | | minor | | 0006970 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | resolved | 4. ------ eShop Core ------- | Article->hasAmountPrice() returns the wrong result |
| | | minor | | 0006768 | 2024-06-12 | | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Memcached causes shop crashes |
| | | trivial | | 0006652 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | resolved | 1.05. Users | oxUser->getOrders() and oxUser->getOrderCount() - have different selects |
| | | crash | | 0007323 | 2024-06-12 | | confirmed | 2.5. Administer users | EE, R&R: Products of exclusive categories aren't exclusive, when added afterwards |
| | | minor | | 0007189 | 2024-06-12 | 3 | resolved | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | Javascript error selectpicker() function not found in wave theme |
| | | minor | | 0007017 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | resolved | 2.8. Service | It is not possible to assign database fields in generic data import. |
| | | minor | 6.1.4 | 0007013 | 2024-06-12 | | resolved | 4.01. Database handling | Migration from CE to PE works not when demodata were installed. |
| | | major | 6.2.0-beta.1 | 0007010 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | resolved | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | B2B edition do not work completely using Wave Theme |
| | | minor | | 0006957 | 2024-06-12 | 6 | resolved | 2.6. Administer orders | Problem with shipping method presentation in order view in admin panel |
| | | feature | | 0006992 | 2024-06-12 | 4 | confirmed | 1. ----- eShop frontend ----- | call "widget.php" without parameters throws exception |
| | | tweak | | 0006978 | 2024-06-12 | 2 | resolved | 4.07. Source code, Test | system requirements test of ini_set is not the correct way to do it and therefore might be result in a wrong result |
| | | minor | | 0006976 | 2024-06-12 | 4 | resolved | 4.01. Database handling | Database methods like "getAll" do not work sometimes |
| | | minor | | 0006948 | 2024-06-12 | | acknowledged | 4.09. SEO, SEO URL | SEO Url is not removed when article category changes |
| | | minor | | 0007620 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | confirmed | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Coupon is locked for everyone if the origin basket gets lost until timeout is reached |
| | | minor | 6.0.6 | 0007043 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | resolved | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | User can not use his added coupon after logout and login again |
| | | tweak | | 0006682 | 2024-06-12 | | resolved | 3.2. HTML, CSS, JavaScript | Missing file JavaScript file oxblockdebug.js |
| | | tweak | | 0006670 | 2024-06-12 | 1 | resolved | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | inconsistent active/inactive handling for promotions |