| | | minor | | 0006504 | 2024-04-03 | | resolved | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | Wrong quantity in "4. Order" for articles added through discounts |
| | | major | | 0006599 | 2024-04-03 | 1 | resolved | 4.02. Session handling | race condition in order finalization when session locking is disabled |
| | | major | | 0006589 | 2024-04-03 | 2 | resolved | 2.2. Shop settings | blVatIdCheckDisabled has no effect |
| | | minor | | 0006586 | 2024-04-03 | 2 | resolved | 4.01. Database handling | \oxBase::_update always returns true |
| | | major | | 0006583 | 2024-04-03 | 10 | acknowledged | 2.6. Administer orders | (re-)calculation error for orders containing articles with price surcharge/discounts via selection lists |
| | | major | | 0004624 | 2024-04-03 | 17 | acknowledged | 2.6. Administer orders | Order recalculation does not use discounts/taxes which were valid when order was made, but current ones |
| | | minor | | 0006580 | 2024-04-03 | 1 | resolved | 7. --- Other tools -------------- | OnlineLicenseCheck renders shop unusable in high concurrency environment |
| | | minor | | 0006575 | 2024-04-03 | 1 | confirmed | 4.02. Session handling | double cookie-header in productdeatils-page |
| | | major | | 0006564 | 2024-04-03 | 1 | acknowledged | 4.09. SEO, SEO URL | canonical url contains index.php after submitting formular in start page |
| | | minor | | 0006492 | 2024-04-03 | | acknowledged | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | Error with coupon series valid with same series |
| | | minor | | 0006426 | 2024-03-29 | 1 | resolved | 7. --- Other tools -------------- | PAYMENT_INFO_OFF in order_owner.tpl |
| | | minor | | 0006472 | 2024-03-28 | | acknowledged | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | Wrong oxid in attributes list array |
| | | minor | | 0006555 | 2024-03-27 | 1 | resolved | 2.3. Extensions (modules, themes) | Module Invoice PDF: No addinfo in invoice or delivery note |
| | | minor | | 0006550 | 2024-03-27 | 2 | acknowledged | 1. ----- eShop frontend ----- | Captcha generates sometimes wrong image while e_mac contains special characters |
| | | minor | | 0006505 | 2024-03-27 | | confirmed | 1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.) | oxcmp_categories::_loadManufacturerTree - performance |
| | | minor | | 0006503 | 2024-03-27 | 9 | acknowledged | 2.6. Administer orders | Order number not set to oxcounter |
| | | minor | | 0006488 | 2024-03-27 | 1 | resolved | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | oxUbase->isVatIncluded() won't return false when a non-VAT country is selected |
| | | major | | 0006404 | 2024-03-27 | 1 | confirmed | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Wrong vat calculation for vouchers in baskets with mixed vat rates |
| | | minor | | 0006487 | 2024-03-27 | 1 | resolved | 4.07. Source code, Test | Accessing uninitialized class variable in oxEmail |
| | | minor | | 0006486 | 2024-03-27 | | acknowledged | 4.07. Source code, Test | The attribute "oxBase::_sViewTable" assigned a "boolean" in public function "oxBase::init" |
| | | minor | | 0006451 | 2024-03-25 | 2 | acknowledged | 4.09. SEO, SEO URL | "noindex,follow" instead of "noindex,nofollow" on vendorlist details with currency set in url |
| | | minor | | 0006443 | 2024-03-22 | | acknowledged | 1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages | Inconsistency in the asterisk(*) symbol used for "incl. tax plus shipping" near the price |
| | | minor | | 0006460 | 2024-03-21 | 1 | acknowledged | 2. ----- eShop backend (admin) ----- | Broken link in backend navigation pane |
| | | minor | | 0006461 | 2024-03-20 | 4 | acknowledged | 4.11. Image handling | oxarticle->getThumbnailUrl() ignores alternative picture path |
| | | minor | | 0006419 | 2024-03-20 | | acknowledged | 2.4. Administer products | Discount is applied to Products for user in Shop Backend |
| | | major | | 0006366 | 2024-03-20 | | confirmed | 4.01. Database handling | oxarticle::unassignFromShop() always tries to clean complete oxfield2shop table |
| | | minor | | 0007610 | 2024-03-20 | | confirmed | 4.05. Performance | Missing initialization of variable in _loadFromCache method |
| | | minor | | 0006448 | 2024-03-20 | 3 | resolved | 2.3. Extensions (modules, themes) | Renaming of pdfblock and pdfarticlesummary |
| | | minor | | 0006444 | 2024-03-20 | | acknowledged | 4.01. Database handling | Standard oxList __construct doesn't initialize the sCoreTable breaking containsFieldValue - long field name can't be constructed |
| | | minor | | 0006458 | 2024-03-20 | | acknowledged | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Discount is not applied on the selectlist price on the Article Details view. |
| | | minor | | 0006427 | 2024-03-20 | 3 | acknowledged | 2.3. Extensions (modules, themes) | visual cms installation causes collation warnings in sysrequirements check |
| | | minor | | 0006450 | 2024-03-20 | 2 | resolved | 2.2. Shop settings | Creation of empty fields in payments |
| | | minor | | 0006449 | 2024-03-20 | 5 | resolved | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | The discount "Current Bargain" from the demodata does not work |
| | | minor | | 0006381 | 2024-03-15 | 4 | acknowledged | 2.4. Administer products | Adding article to order crashes server (Segmentation Fault) |
| | | minor | | 0006420 | 2024-03-14 | | acknowledged | 4. ------ eShop Core ------- | oxConfigFile is used only in some places |
| | | minor | | 0006425 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | vouchers are not released if checkout is canceled |
| | | trivial | | 0006393 | 2024-03-13 | 2 | assigned | 1.05. Users | OXFNAME and OXLNAME on oxnewssubscribed handels umlauts/special chars on an other way than oxuser |
| | | major | | 0006387 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 4.09. SEO, SEO URL | oxfixed flag is not updated in pagination urls e.g. from categories |
| | | minor | | 0006348 | 2024-03-13 | 3 | acknowledged | 2.2. Shop settings | After fixing 0006319 the 'smarty_function_oxprice' got an undefined input case and responds a rounded price |
| | | major | | 0006424 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 2.4. Administer products | Assigning all articles to a category results in a server error |
| | | minor | | 0006384 | 2024-03-13 | 1 | acknowledged | 4.06. Language and translations | Admin language translations will be taken from not active module |
| | | minor | | 0006357 | 2024-03-13 | 2 | acknowledged | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | getBasketSummary returns wrong item count |
| | | minor | | 0006409 | 2024-03-13 | 1 | resolved | 1. ----- eShop frontend ----- | OXID EE: Links for Zend Guard are broken in Zend Guard warning message |
| | | minor | | 0006408 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 4.01. Database handling | Master-Slave: INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements are considered unsafe |
| | | major | | 0006400 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 2.6. Administer orders | Adding discount or shipping cost per Admin->Order->Main deletes user group specific discount and sets wrong total |
| | | minor | | 0006390 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Changing deliveryrules does not clear cache of affacted article detailpages |
| | | minor | | 0004590 | 2024-03-13 | 1 | resolved | 2. ----- eShop backend (admin) ----- | Settings translatios are missing for deactivated modules in backend |
| | | major | | 0006378 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 4.05. Performance | on bulk imports in admin mode issue full conent cache clear per object (EE) |
| | | minor | | 0006370 | 2024-03-13 | 2 | acknowledged | 1. ----- eShop frontend ----- | hard to debug redirects to start page for different reasons |
| | | major | | 0006365 | 2024-03-13 | 2 | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Varnish cache is not invalidated when using the framework without oxshopcontrol |