| | | feature | 4.8.8 / 5.1.8 | 0005630 | 2024-09-25 | 2 | resolved | 2.4. Administer products | Setting a category as the main category collides with subshop |
| | | major | | 0005926 | 2024-09-25 | 1 | confirmed | | Rights and Roles doesn't work with ERP / CSV module... |
| | | major | | 0006267 | 2024-09-11 | 2 | resolved | 4.08. Cache | Varnish vcl evalutates regex url expressions case sensitive while invalidation requests |
| | | major | | 0006382 | 2024-09-11 | 2 | resolved | 4.08. Cache | each purge request send to varnish purges also the startpage |
| | | major | | 0007212 | 2024-08-08 | 5 | resolved | 4.02. Session handling | session_start() in EE Config breaks session handling when force_sid GET param is present |
| | | crash | | 0007136 | 2024-08-07 | 7 | resolved | 4.12. Subshop handling | Shop deletes savedbasket entries from other (all) subshops |
| | | major | | 0006927 | 2024-07-17 | 1 | resolved | 4.01. Database handling | Master Slave Database balancing improvement |
| | | major | | 0006931 | 2024-07-03 | | confirmed | 4.08. Cache | EE: Article::onChange calls ContentCache::reset twice. |
| | | major | | 0005927 | 2024-07-03 | | confirmed | | oxarticle and oxcategory Objects are deleteable without having the permission by Rights and Roles when using ERP / CSV. |
| | | crash | | 0007323 | 2024-06-12 | | confirmed | 2.5. Administer users | EE, R&R: Products of exclusive categories aren't exclusive, when added afterwards |
| | | major | | 0006971 | 2024-06-12 | | confirmed | 2.7. Customer info | Cannot use promotions in VisualCms widget action |
| | | major | | 0006410 | 2024-05-15 | 1 | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Default Cache Backend and rights make categories disappear |
| | | major | | 0006366 | 2024-03-20 | | confirmed | 4.01. Database handling | oxarticle::unassignFromShop() always tries to clean complete oxfield2shop table |
| | | major | | 0006378 | 2024-03-13 | | acknowledged | 4.05. Performance | on bulk imports in admin mode issue full conent cache clear per object (EE) |
| | | major | | 0006365 | 2024-03-13 | 2 | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Varnish cache is not invalidated when using the framework without oxshopcontrol |
| | | major | | 0006295 | 2024-03-07 | 3 | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | EE: missing cache invalidation in some ajax assignment popups |
| | | minor | | 0006250 | 2024-03-06 | 1 | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Content Cache: each order resets whole cache if oxstock of parent article is 0 |
| | | minor | | 0006209 | 2024-02-07 | | acknowledged | 4.12. Subshop handling | Can't use oxfield2shop for OXSTOCK |
| | | minor | | 0006066 | 2024-01-25 | | resolved | | OXERPSetObject2Category creates rows for each shop |
| | | minor | | 0006087 | 2024-01-23 | | acknowledged | | Missing table prefix in a SQL query can cause an error |
| | | minor | | 0005943 | 2023-12-20 | 1 | assigned | 2.1. Master Settings | SubShop admin user gets logged out of the system in the Core Settings EE |
| | | trivial | | 0005873 | 2023-12-07 | | confirmed | 1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pages | missing image in mallstart.tpl in demo-mode |
| | | major | | 0005024 | 2023-11-29 | 4 | confirmed | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | OXID EE: oxarticle->checkForStock() ignores oxfield2shop |
| | | text | | 0005087 | 2023-11-17 | 1 | confirmed | 2.1. Master Settings | Option "Allow custom price editing for inherited products" is incorrect |
| | | minor | | 0007484 | 2023-06-29 | 1 | confirmed | 4.12. Subshop handling | A translation error occurs after creating a new sub shop |
| | | major | | 0006080 | 2023-05-31 | 2 | assigned | 4.06. Language and translations | Subshop language destroys language handling |
| | | major | | 0005354 | 2021-12-07 | | resolved | 4.08. Cache | EE: compare links in lists do not work correctly if dynamic caching is enabled |
| | | major | | 0006247 | 2021-06-29 | 9 | resolved | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | SQL Bug in oxDeliverySetList::_getFilterSelect() |
| | | major | | 0006987 | 2020-05-19 | 11 | resolved | 2.4. Administer products | Cannot edit product description in subshop (with |
| | | minor | | 0006925 | 2019-04-18 | 2 | resolved | 6. ------ Setup ------- | EE only. Two user groups have the same RR id. |
| | | minor | | 0006297 | 2015-12-28 | | acknowledged | 4.08. Cache | Varnish cache is not invalidated when changing manufacturer |
| | | text | | 0006089 | 2015-12-01 | | acknowledged | | ERP CSV documentation is at least for create/update product wrong |
| | | crash | 4.9.2 / 5.2.2 | 0005901 | 2014-10-28 | | resolved | 2.5. Administer users | After update to 5.2 subshop user login to admin do not work anymore |