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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000763OXID eShop (all versions)2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----public2009-04-02 17:17
Reporterd3 Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version4.0.1.0 revision 15990 
Summary0000763: order => main tab throws exception, if bought article has got an out-of-stock-status
DescriptionIf customer bought an article with a stock of 1. After these shopping stock is updated to 0.
When the admin page order_main is called, it tries to rebuild the customers basket, to get the shipping set list. But the affected article with stock of 0 throws an out-of-stock-exception. The admin classes performs an redirect to shop main page.
Additional InformationThe execution queue:
admin/order_main.php (line 68): $oOrder->getShippingSetList(); =>
core/oxorder.php (line 1248): $this->_addOrderArticlesToBasket(...); =>
core/oxorder.php (line 1594): $oBasket->addToBasket(...); =>
core/oxbasket.php (line 297): ... catch( oxOutOfStockException $oEx ) =>
core/oxbasket.php (line 334): if ( $oEx ) {throw $oEx;}
TagsNo tags attached.
PHP Version5.2.6
Database Version5.0.33


duplicate of 0000470 resolvedarvydas_vapsva "Not found" error in orders_main 
has duplicate 0001252 resolveddainius.bigelis admin/order_main.php gives 404 File not Found if product out of stock 



2009-04-02 15:09

reporter   ~0000686

Duplicate of 0000470.
Checked in development version - bug is fixed.