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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006307OXID eShop (all versions)1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)public2024-03-06 09:33
ReporterAlexN Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.9.6 / 5.2.6 
Summary0006307: Selectlists aren't considered when updating the amount of an ordered article
DescriptionI am using an EE 5.2.4 where I noticed the bug that when updating the amount of an ordered article selectlists aren't considered.

I guess the fix needs to be done somewhere in method "oxorder->_setOrderArticles($aArticleList)" because there "$oUnitPtice = $oContent->getUnitPrice();" is used to determine the "oxnprice" which contains the baseprice of the article without considering the selectionlist.
Steps To Reproduce1. Install EE 5.2.4
2. Create a selectlist with an item "2 abs".
3. Assign an article to the select list.
4. Order the product in frontend
> Calculation adds correctly 2 bucks
5. Update the order amount in backend
> Calculation uses the default price of the product.
Additional InformationDon't mind the name of the article on the attached image. The article previously costs 1 Cent but I changed the price due to some testing.
TagsSpecialized Management Apps
Attached Files
ThemeNot defined
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PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined



2016-01-05 15:57

reporter   ~0011407

In Performance "Preisänderungen durch Auswahllisten unterstützen" is activated. I am sorry, I don't know the used english translation.


2016-01-05 16:35

administrator   ~0011408

The translation for what you have to activate is "Support Price Modifications by Selection Lists" in the performance settings.


2016-01-05 16:39

reporter   ~0011409

Last edited: 2016-01-05 16:41

Thanks for your response. This is activated but for some reasons the wrong price is used for calculating prices. See the file I upload in a second.


2016-01-05 17:02

reporter   ~0011410


1. Question
If I have an update should I rather edit my latest note or create a new note?

2. Update itself
I figured out that OXID uses the first item in select list though the ordered article has a different item. As of that the calculation itself is working BUT for some reason the correct selection list is not being loaded.


2016-01-05 17:19

administrator   ~0011411

Thank you for your update. You can just add another note.


2016-01-05 18:09

reporter   ~0011412

I narrowed it again down, I guess.

In frontend the "init" method of the "oxBasketitem" object will be triggered and param "$aSel" is passed while in the backend the method is not triggered. Probably because an other class is used there.

Further I have looked at the form in backend tab "order_article" plus database table "oxorderarticles". I cannot find sth. that leads to the original choosed selection, except of the field "oxselvariant" which is pretty to useless to gather the price.


Right now I am trying to help me with such a script (still under development) but I guess it is not a fully working solution:

// Added by TRONET
$troFOxAmount = (double) number_format((float) $oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxamount->value, 2, '.', '');
// Calc total netto price
$troDOxnprice = (double) $oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxnprice->rawValue;
$troFTotalnetprice = $troDOxnprice * $troFOxAmount;
// calc total brutto price
$troDOxbprice = (double) $oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxbprice->rawValue;
$troFTotalbrutprice = $troDOxbprice * $troFOxAmount;

// prices
$oPrice = $oContent->getPrice();
$oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxnetprice = new oxField(
$oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxvatprice = new oxField($oPrice->getVatValue(), oxField::T_RAW);
$oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxbrutprice = new oxField(
$oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxvat = new oxField($oPrice->getVat(), oxField::T_RAW);

$oUnitPtice = $oContent->getUnitPrice();
// $oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxnprice = new oxField($oUnitPtice->getNettoPrice(), oxField::T_RAW);
// $oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxbprice = new oxField($oUnitPtice->getBruttoPrice(), oxField::T_RAW);


2016-01-06 12:17

reporter   ~0011413

Last edited: 2016-01-06 12:18

An other update:

I just found this ticket

The attached module "cmselectionlistsrecalculate" by "Julian Rauscher" seems to fix this issue though it looks like it ignores at least the defined "Scale Prices".

I assume the best and only solution is to fix the bug that no/the first selectionlist is found/used.