View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005742OXID eShop (all versions)2.6. Administer orderspublic2024-07-22 14:04
Reporterd3 Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version4.8.5 / 5.1.5 
Summary0005742: order_main - wrong paymentlist with delivery adress
DescriptionWhen the shop uses different shipping methods for different countries, the payment list in /Administer Orders/Orders/Main/ is load from wrong "active country".

Steps To ReproduceRequirements:
Shipping Method A -> is only for Germany
Shipping Method B -> is only for Litauen

A have payments credit card and invoice
and B has only paypal assigned.

Do a order with invoice-country Germany and delivery-country Litauen.

Step 1:
Open order in /Administer Orders/Orders/Main/.
Under "Payment Information" the "Payment with:" select is empty(----) and
shows credit card and invoice.

Under "Shipping Information" the "Shipped with:" select has Method B selected.

Step 2:
Select credit card and save.

After reload:
Under "Payment Information" the "Payment with:" select has credit card selected
and still shows credit card and invoice.

Under "Shipping Information" the "Shipped with:" select is empty(----).

Additional Informationoxuser::getActiveCountry doesn't return delivery country.
TagsOrder, Product domain and basket rewrite, Shipping Address
Attached Files
Paypal.png (13,809 bytes)   
Paypal.png (13,809 bytes)   
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


related to 0004624 acknowledged Order recalculation does not use discounts/taxes which were valid when order was made, but current ones 
related to 0007700 closedmichael_keiluweit Checkout shows "no delivery option found", but refreshing the page fixes that 



2014-04-29 14:33

reporter   ~0009866

Reminder sent to: d3

Thank you very much for submitting this issue, but we cant reproduce it. Could you please provide to us more details. Which version of the shop do you use? Could you please try to reproduce that on our demo shops:

Best regards,


2014-04-29 15:32

reporter   ~0009868

Last edited: 2014-04-29 16:03

I reproduce it in the reference shop.

I upload some screenshots.


i reconsider.. to much screenshots


2014-04-29 16:19

reporter   ~0009870

I used PE or CE to reproduce it.

Step 1:
set country Lithuania active

Step 2:
Assign payment method only to country Lithuania

Step 3:
add new shipping method "only for Lithuania",
assign shipping cost rule XYZ,
assign only to country Lithuania,
assign payment method from Step 2,
assign user groups...

Step 4:
assign shipping cost rule from step 3 only to country Lithuania.

Step 5:
go to the frontend,
add article to basket,
go to process step 2.(address),
Billing address can be germany or somthing else (not Lithuania),
shipping address have to be Lithuania,
finish order

go to the backend -> administer Orders/Orders/Main,
the payment information select has selected --- and
shows the payment methods for the other country (not Lithuania)



2014-06-09 16:13

reporter   ~0009945

Reminder sent to: d3


Sorry, but I can not reproduce the case.
I have a question about step6:
I go to the backend -> administer Orders/Orders/Main,
And I cant see that ( payment information select has selected --- and shows the payment methods for the other country (not Lithuania)). Maybe you have in the mind about shipping information?

I see that Payment method is Paypal and shipping information select has selected --- and show the payment method for the country Lithuania. I uploaded the picture what I got as a result.

Best regards,


2014-06-12 10:44

reporter   ~0009957

Sorry I forgot:
In Step6 you have to click on the save button in orders/main

Best regards,


2024-07-19 14:43

administrator   ~0017268

Last edited: 2024-07-22 11:25

I can actually reproduce the case.( I can not, see the edit note below.)

Having only one shipping method and payment method for Germany and one shipping method and payment method for Swiss. See attached screenshots.
Screenshot Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 14.42.27.png shows two shipping methods (wrong), although I only had one (correct, for the Swiss) during the checkout.

edit: The issue was caused by faulty shipping methods. While the payment methods and the shipping method for Swiss had fitting countries assigned, the shipping method "Paket de" had all countries assigned (see attached screenshot Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 11.24.16.png). This included Swiss. That caused the possibility to choose also the Swiss shipping methods in the order administration, despite the delivery address was in Germany and vice versa. This behaviour also caused bug 0007700.


2024-07-22 11:27

administrator   ~0017269

Sreenshot for the comment above.


2024-07-22 14:04

administrator   ~0017271

The issue isn't reproducible, despite having faulty shipping methods configuration. I'll close it accordingly.