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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002091OXID eShop (all versions)1.09. Integrations: Facebook, Trusted Shops, Shop lupe, Econdapublic2017-06-27 09:13
Reportermarco_steinhaeuser Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version4.4.2 revision 29492 
Summary0002091: After sending an invitation to your FB friends, shop redirects to an unknown page (404)
DescriptionAfter sending an invitation to your FB friends, shop redirects to an unknown page (404)

Decision is:
FBML will be turned off. So we need to remove all FBML elements and change invitation. The solution we decided to implement:
It can be changed to JavaScript message. That means, that instead of choosing friend for invitation, customer could write a message. Message would consist of custom text and link to page from which message was sent.
See comments below for more details on solution.
Steps To ReproduceIn Demoshop,
- login to your FB Account
- open a product's detail page
- send an invitation to one of your FB friends

--> After sending, the shop doesn't redirect to the item's page, it goes to 404
Additional InformationBTW: The FB invite function is intended to invite for the shop, not for the specific item. Will open up a feature request to move the invite function to "invite friends" and connect it to the bonus program if possible.
ThemeNot defined
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


has duplicate 0004261 closedjurate.baseviciene facebook invite doesn't work 



2012-05-16 12:02

reporter   ~0006617

FBML will be turned off. So we need to remove all FBML elements and change invitation. There is two solutions I found.
It can be changed to JavaScript invitation, but it works only for aps. That means that invitation direct to facebook page, not shop.
It can be changed to JavaScript message. That means, that instead of choosing friend for invitation, customer could write a message. Message would consist of custom text and link to page from which message was sent.
My suggestion - chose message solution.


2012-05-16 12:10

reporter   ~0006618

Message solution would be something as this:

[{ oxmultilang ident="FACEBOOK_INVITE_DESCRIPTION" }]

    <fb:send href="[{$oDetailsProduct->getLink()}]"></fb:send>

    function sendRequestViaMultiFriendSelector() {
        FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
            message: '[{oxmultilang ident="FACEBOOK_INVITETEXT"}]'
        }, requestCallback);

    function requestCallback(response) {

Files to be changed:


2012-11-17 14:32

reporter   ~0007889

Please also see this feature request:

Facebook invite actually doesn't make sense on this place ;)


2014-12-15 15:13

reporter   ~0010459

Is this issue still up-to-date?


2017-06-27 09:12

administrator   ~0012145

The old Facebook-API was removed with the version 4.6.2.