| | | major | | 0007682 | 2024-09-20 | 2 | confirmed | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Shipping costs are charged twice |
| | | minor | | 0007162 | 2024-06-05 | 2 | resolved | | Adding new delivery address leads to JavaScript error |
| | | major | | 0004860 | 2023-11-17 | 4 | confirmed | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | "Shipping Cost Rules" with assigned user groups and "Calculate default Shipping costs when User is not logged in yet" |
| | | minor | | 0004693 | 2023-11-16 | 4 | confirmed | 1.03. Basket, checkout process | Wrong List of payment methods offered in Checkout - Bug 0002934 was closed but error persists |
| | | major | | 0003101 | 2023-11-16 | | confirmed | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | delivery cost is not recalculated after discount in basket |
| | | major | 4.8.5 / 5.1.5 | 0004622 | 2014-03-07 | 1 | resolved | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Intangible product should not be calculated in shipping price. |
| | | major | 4.7.10 / 5.0.10 | 0004730 | 2013-12-09 | 2 | resolved | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Orderrules with Quantity -> Items would be count double |
| | | major | 4.7.10 / 5.0.10 | 0004123 | 2013-11-20 | 5 | resolved | 1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.) | Delivery costs for certain product category still don't work correctly |
| | | minor | 4.6.6 revision 54646 | 0004639 | 2013-01-28 | 4 | resolved | | delivery option oxidstandard does not work in subshops |