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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007766OXID eShop (all versions)1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)public2025-02-06 09:07
Reporterdennisreisel Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version7.1.1 
Summary0007766: Shipping cost rules are calculated per base article attributes not for the sum
DescriptionIf you set the condition e.g. to weight and an product is within the range the price is calculated correctly but if you change the sum of products and exit the range the rule still applies.

Product A weighs 500kg, product B weighs 1000kg. Condition for shipping cost rule is less than 750kg and price is calculated for each product.
If you put 1 of product A in basket the price is correct. If you add 1 of product A the rule shouldn't apply anymore but it does. If you add product B the rule doesn't apply because the product isn't within the range.
Logic applies also to size.
Steps To Reproduce1. Install OXID EE 7.1.1
2. Create Shipping Method
3. Create Shipping Cost Rule
4. Set "Condition" to "Weight" and the range to 0 -> 1000
5. Set "Price Surcharge" to "100"
6. Set Calculation Rules to "For each product"
7. Create product with weight within range.
8. Add product to basket
9. Increase number of products to exit range
10. Error should occur
TagsBasket, Calculations
PHP Version8.1
Database VersionNot defined


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