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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007759module Amazon Paymainpublic2025-01-07 14:43
ReporterSpritje Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version2.1.6 / 3.1.6 
Summary0007759: Suggested improvement Amazon Pay Express option - back to order step 3 or 4
DescriptionMany of our customers use Amazon Pay Express. (From the shopping cart) When checking out with AP Express, the module jumps directly to order step 4. However, many customers now overlook the selection of the shipping method, as this is already in order step 3. We therefore get a lot of customer emails saying “where can I change the shipping method”. It's a bit annoying to process these emails.

Suggestion: In the next module update, could you add the option to choose whether the checkout ends with AP Express in order step 3 or 4? (I would opt for step 3 in any case)

With PayPal Express, we were able to set this up ourselves and it is indeed the case that many customers change the shipping method. (We offer GLS and DHL) Many customers then switch from GLS to DHL.
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Feature Request
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