View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007753module PayPal Checkoutmodule PayPal checkout - subpublic2024-12-06 11:11
ReporterMRVN Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version3.3.4 / 2.3.4 / 1.3.4 
Summary0007753: PayPal Modul setzt oxconfig Einstellung "aRequireSessionWithParams" als falschen type
DescriptionDie Config-Einstellung "aRequireSessionWithParams" ist vom type "aarr", wird aber im PayPal Modul beim aktivieren in "ModuleSettings.php" auf "arr" gesetzt.
Im Admin wird dann unter Stammdaten > Grundeinstellungen in jedem Tab außer Stamm die Warnung "Warning: Array to String conversion" angezeigt.
Steps To Reproduce1. Modul aktivieren
2. In die "Stammdaten > Grundeinstellungen" gehen
3. In jedem Tab außer Stamm erscheint die Warnung
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2024-12-06 11:11

administrator   ~0017761


thanks for the report. Personally I think It's indeed unfortunate that for one type two keys are available, but to this date it's indeed possible to have arrays identifiable by 'arr' and 'aarr': & 425.

That said, I can't reproduce the case. When I install PayPal 3.3.4 I don't get the warning messages in the administration area. Even if I call the method Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('aRequireSessionWithParams') directly, I don't get a warning message, but the expected value. So there might be a step missing to reproduce the issue. Could you provide the complete warning message, if possible, even with the stacktrace?

Kind regards