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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007745module PayPal Checkoutmodule PayPal checkout - subpublic2024-12-05 09:26
Reportermetropolis Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2.5.1 / 3.5.1 
Summary0007745: Paypal checkout jumps back to step 2 with an error when an discount in relation to item value is used
DescriptionWhen using a discount in relation to the order / item amount (we are giving 3% discount when the items value is more than 300 EUR) Paypal checkout
Module is dropping an error and redirects to Step 2.
I think the error is belonging to the same class and is similar as the reported bugtracker entry 0007744

The calculated sum of Paypal checkout doesn´t match to the shop calculated amount, as vouchers and discounts are not calculated properly
before the API calls paypal.

In out case we got a redirect to Step 2 with the error "Autorisierung der Zahlung fehlgeschlagen. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe!" when having more than 300 EUR in our cart
and trying to use paypal.
As soon as you get below the discount amount, paypal payment went through withoun any problem.
Steps To ReproduceCreate a discount in the shop backend which grants a discount when a specific value of goods is reached.
Place items in the cart to reach the value and the shop calculates a discount.
Go through the checkout and use Paypal.
When finalizing the order, you will be redirected to Step 2 with an error message.

Recheck this and delete some items, so no discount will calculates by the shop anymore.
Go through the checkout and finalize order. Payment is done and "Thank you" Page is shown.

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related to 0007744 assigned[email protected] When using vouchers shop jumps back to payment selection (index.php?cl=payment&payerror=2) 



2024-11-18 16:38

administrator   ~0017715

Dear metropolis,

i moved your log to a private section.

In an Shop of version 6.5.4 with Paypal 2.5 i can reproduce this issue, but not with Paypal Checkout 3.X.

Best Regards