View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007724OXID eShop (all versions)4.06. Language and translationspublic2024-09-25 11:02
ReporterbYemma Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version7.1.0 
Summary0007724: Set language as default on setup
DescriptionAfter the shop setup using the console the active language is not marked as default language.
The result is for example a seo url of "/startseite/" for the start controller instead of "/".
Steps To ReproduceThe following command is used for the setup:

./vendor/bin/oe-console oe:setup:shop --db-host=localhost --db-port=3306 --db-name=XYZ --db-user=XYZ --db-password='XYZ' --shop-url=XYZ --shop-directory=/var/www/vhosts/xyz/source --compile-directory=/var/www/vhosts/xyz/source/tmp --language=de
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2024-09-25_08h40_23.png (10,024 bytes)   
2024-09-25_08h40_23.png (10,024 bytes)   
PHP VersionNot defined
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2024-09-25 11:02

administrator   ~0017586

Hello @bYemma, thanks for your report. I can confirm your findings but also tested with GUI setup and it's the same behavior. The language is not marked as default and the SEO URL is /startseite. You reported the issue as tweak - I agree with that. However, last decision is with our Product Management. They will decide if this will be changed or not.
