View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007721OXID eShop (all versions)1.03. Basket, checkout processpublic2024-10-30 08:34
Reporterb.blasius Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version7.1.0 
Summary0007721: Order remark always 1 when no remark input in frontend
DescriptionIf you remove the order remark input field from frontend oxorder oxremark is always saved with value 1.

This is due the wrong usage of the second parameter of getRequestParameter()
in vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Application/Component/UserComponent.php:726

$sOrderRemark = Registry::getRequest()->getRequestParameter('order_remark', true);
$sOrderRemark is set with default value true which makes no sense regarding the following code.

I think this is a migration error from OXID 6 to 7.
In OXID 6 $sOrderRemark = Registry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('order_remark', true); makes sense. Second parameter is "raw" but in OXID 7 it is the default value.
TagsNo tags attached.
ThemeNot defined
BrowserNot defined
PHP Version8.1
Database VersionMySQL 5.7



2024-09-16 15:17

administrator   ~0017537

As of my testing, to reproduce, you need to select to change the shipping address and go forward afterwards because the mentioned line of code is not called if you go through checkout without (implying) to change something. However, it's reproducible and the idea it's a migration error might be true. Thank you for the report.
