View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007703Apex ThemeApex Themepublic2024-11-27 09:10
Reporter[email protected] Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0007703: Tabs on Detail page not working anymore
Descriptionif you change the template in fullproductinfo.html.twig from accordeon to tabs, there is no more content. It looks like capture is not working correctly
Steps To ReproduceChange the template in fullproductinfo.html.twig and go on a detail page with additional information.
Same issue also appears if you replace related_products.html.twig with related_products_tabs.html.twig.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-08-05 14:30

administrator   ~0017343

I agree with your findings. However, there's no option to switch between the templates besides editing the code itself. This means the tabs templates may be unsopported and should be deleted in next version. Development Team has to decide.
