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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007582Apex ThemeApex Themepublic2024-06-26 08:40
ReporterAdrianFrey Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0007582: Navigation isn't fully visible in desktop mode, if you add many categories
DescriptionIf you add many categories or have a few categories with a very large name, the navigation will become wider than the rest of the shop and you have to scroll to the right to see it completely.
Steps To Reproduce1. install OXID 7
2. log into backend
3. Administer Products->"Categories->Create New Category
4. create a few categories and activate them
5. go to frontend
6. you can see the navigation with categories and you have to scroll to the right to see the rest of them
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2024-01-19 17:36

administrator   ~0016165



2024-06-26 08:40

manager   ~0017092

Hi Adrian,
thank you for your report!
This is not a bug, but an intentional design choice.
Since you would never use Apex as it is, but add your own CSS and CI anyway, this is meant to force you (or more the shop owner) into thinking about the category tree in general.
Also do not forget that having many root categories or categories on the same level is very likely making mobile customers very unhappy.
So either you think about vastly reducing the category tree or you think about a clever way how you make it more accessible for your specific customers and category tree.