View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007580OXID eShop (all versions)1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)public2025-02-12 09:53
ReporterAdrianFrey Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Summary0007580: Variants don't show up under a category, if parent product isn't assigned
DescriptionIf I assign variants without the parent to a category, they are not listed in the frontend under their category.
Steps To Reproduce1. Log into backend
2. Master Settings -> Core Settings -> System -> Variants -> check "Display Variants in Assignment Lists in eShop admin"
3. Master Settings -> Core Settings -> Perform. -> make sure "Load Variants in Lists (Search Results, Categories). This uses ..." is checked
4. Administer Products -> Categories - Create a new category
5. Assign a variant of a product to the new category and save it
6. Go to frontend and open your new category
7. You won't see a product.
Additional InformationI tested it in v7 and v6.5. It didn't work.
TagsProduct domain and basket rewrite
ThemeNot defined
BrowserNot defined
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


related to 0005520 acknowledged Range price is not calculated correctly when variant has discount 



2024-01-12 12:55

administrator   ~0016112




2024-08-14 11:57

administrator   ~0017398

Actually step 2 and 3 are not even necessary. If you directly go to a variant and assign it from the Extended tab, you can always assign it to a category. Unfortunately I do not know if we can easily fix that, as the shop only has a very thin layer between a variant and an ordinary product. (Which has already helped a lot in projects for both imports and customizations.)