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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005520OXID eShop (all versions)1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)public2025-01-15 09:36
Reporteraurimas.gladutis Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.7.10 / 5.0.10 
Summary0005520: Range price is not calculated correctly when variant has discount
DescriptionWhen the discount is created for variant only (but not for parent article), range price does not take it into account and calculates min price without discount.

If variant's price without discount is the same as parent article, price will not be shown as range price (discount is not taken into account when checking if it is a range price)
Steps To Reproduce1. Create a new Category
2. Assign one or more Variants to that category (Important: do not assign the parent article! )
3. Create a new discount.
4. Assign the category created in step 1. to the newly created discount
5. 'From' price will be variant's price without the discount
TagsCategory, Discount, Product domain and basket rewrite, Variants
ThemeNot defined
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


related to 0007580 confirmedHR Variants don't show up under a category, if parent product isn't assigned 
related to 0006018 acknowledgedSvenBrunk "Skip all negative Discounts" in categories doesn't affect variants 
related to 0004689 confirmedHR Discount to assigned product with defined quantity range works incorrect 
related to 0005486 resolvedaurimas.gladutis Discounts don't work for variant articles assigned via category 


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