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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006882module PayPalmodule PayPal - subpublic2018-09-12 12:40
ReporterHisky Assigned To 
PrioritylowSeverityminorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version3.2.4 
Summary0006882: Paypal Express - ERROR at checkout process "your invoice or delivery address has changed during ordering"
DescriptionCustomer reported an error during the Checkout via Paypal Express:
"I have tried 3 times to press the 'order now' button but am told that my delivery address has changed during ordering. I have changed nothing because my address comes from PayPal.. "

He never registered so the address didnt change.
We realized that there is a gap before his surname as the MR / MRS selection had been missing.

He resolved this issue then:

"All has now gone through OK, and for your information, this is what I did ...
I tried to edit my name and address, which took me to a new page on which the gap did not appear before my name! So I went through the rest of the information on the edit page and found that my phone number was required (so I added it), and when the edits had finished, I noticed that my name had changed to 'Mr $Nameofthecustomer' (although I hadn't amended that - this may somehow explain the gap!
Anyway, all is now well, so I send thanks for your help and my best wishes,"

===>> it seems as a missing phone number has been the reason but the error message is wrong!
Steps To ReproduceYou need a Paypal account without phone number i guess.
I tried to order with my account but had no problems as i had to add a phone number die security reason years ago.
Additional InformationCE 4.10.7 & Paypal Modul 3.2.4 (not Paypal Plus!)
Attached Files



2018-08-13 10:56

administrator   ~0012573

I tried to reproduce it as follows on the PayPal sandbox:

1. buyer account created without telephone number
2. user not registered in the test shop.
3. article placed in the shopping cart and "express checkout" clicked
4. registered on PayPal page and clicked "Jetzt Zahlen"
5. in step 4 (cl=order) the buyer data were taken over without telephone number to the shop
6.clicked "Zahlungspflichtig bestellen" -> order is triggered


2018-08-13 10:58

administrator   ~0012574

tried with PayPal module Version 3.2.4 in eshop PE 4.10.5
PayPal_1.JPG (83,259 bytes)   


2018-08-30 22:09

reporter   ~0012602

Today we had the same issue again:
" trying to check out with paypal get this - Billing or shipping address have been changed during checkout. Please check again."

We told the customer to EDIT the data Paypal did submit <-> his address data in our OXID store:
"yes, adding phone number allowed order."

a) the phone number causes another issue then we know about
b) the EDIT of the Paypal address data resolves another issue like a empty field with a GAP only etc!?

I will ask the customer if he saves a phone ID at this paypal account...


2018-08-31 11:46

administrator   ~0012603

Last edited: 2018-09-04 08:07

All attempts to reproduce your issue have failed in our testing environment. Since we can't reproduce it, we are not able to investigate any further. Beside that, we did not get any similar reports from our customers, In this case it's very likely that the issue happens due to a modification or third-party modules you are using in your shop.

Please check out the possibilities in your system. If you are able to reproduce it in a reference OXID eShop, we can continue investigation. At the moment it isn't possible to locate any bug in the module or shop system refering to your described behavior.

If reproducing is only possible in your own system, start by deactivating all other modules and analyze changes you made to the reference system and - to locate the issue directly - use a debugger.



2018-09-11 23:52

reporter   ~0012623

Last edited: 2018-09-11 23:52

Maybe i found the reason why you cant reproduce it:
You need to set the phone field as mandatory.

We removed the telephone number for testing now as mandatory and we had no further issues.

I ordered by myself in another store (im not 100% if it has been OXID) via Paypal Express and did get the message:
"Address data incomplete - please edit".

As i edited the address only the phone number had been missing.

I guess the Paypal error message is just wrong and it only caused an issue if the telephone field is mandatory.


2018-09-12 12:39

administrator   ~0012624

So Bug will be closed