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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006124module PayPalmodule PayPal - subpublic2015-07-15 14:18
ReporterSpritje Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.1.2 
Target Version3.2.2Fixed in Version3.2.2 
Summary0006124: If payment via PayPal is canceld, the status of the payment can not be identified from oxorder table
DescriptionIf an order is paid via PayPal and the checkout has been completed, the database field OXORDER.OXTRANSSTATUS is set to value OK and OXORDER.OXPAID is set to the current timestamp.

Also the payment status OEPAYPAL_ORDER.OEPAYPAL_PAYMENTSTATUS is set to canceled, pending, completed or failed.

However, a field for the payment status should be used in the oxorder table because only that table is read by the ERP interface.

If a payment is set via PayPal IPN to canceled, this status is no longer considered by the ERP interface because this state is only written in the OEPAYPAL_ORDER table.

In my view, the oxpaid field should set to default(by default 0000-00-00 00:00:00) until the payment is finally confirmed by PayPal (OEPAYPAL_PAYMENTSTATUS = completed).
Steps To Reproduce1. Make sure your Paypal-Sandbox-(Buyers-)Account is set to "Review test payments before they're completed." AND it's balance is 0.
2. In a Shop with an installed and working Paypal- and ERP module: place an order using the Account mentiones in 1. IPN needs to be working.
3. Order will be created as described in the Description above.
4. Payment status will be set to "pending" by IPN.
5. If you fetch the order via ERP, it will have an 'OK' Status, as described above.
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related to 0006225 closed Order status still NOT_FINISHED although customer paid via Paypal