View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005940OXID eShop (all versions)2.2. Shop settingspublic2023-12-13 10:25
Reporteravalue Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.5.7 revision 41909 
Summary0005940: oxfolder field in oxorder has a limit of 32 characters, but more long folder names can be specified
DescriptionIn shop settings, I can specify a folder name longer than 32 characters. But the Field is only a VARCHAR(32) and information get lost. Moving to this folder now dont work.
Steps To ReproduceIn shop settings, I can specify a folder name longer than 32 characters. But the Field is only a VARCHAR(32) and information get lost. Moving to this folder now dont work.
TagsNo tags attached.
BrowserGoogle Chrome
PHP Version5.3
Database VersionNot defined



2014-10-29 15:56

reporter   ~0010288

Last edited: 2014-10-29 17:05

SQL from 4.9 (CE):
CREATE TABLE `oxorder` (

Maybe solution would be to create a new table for this and reference it via its own id?

EDIT: its more a feature than a bug, maybe adding this to the documentation would help too.


2014-10-29 21:16

reporter   ~0010289

I don't agree that this is a feature, because you can add new folders via backend panel and they are not inserted properly. Maybe as a Quick Fix there could be a simple information in the backend or a validation when writing folder names.

Linas Kukulskis

2014-12-02 10:07

reporter   ~0010365

There are no need to change the field length, because its should be defined as constant which is later translated. what is need to add help text button with explanation how to setup and defined limitation.