View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005610OXID eShop (all versions)2.6. Administer orderspublic2024-12-04 14:46
ReporterMitmacher Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.8.1 / 5.1.1 
Summary0005610: Bundled products will be deleted from their orders after using forms in order_main or order_article
DescriptionIf you have orders with bundled products then edit these orders in the backend and you will see that the bundles have been deleted magically.
Steps To Reproduce1. create an article bundle
2. order this article and reopen backend
3. in order_overview and order_articles the bundle is listed correctly
4. click "Save" in order_main or "Update" in order_articles
5. the bundle has been deleted from its order!
Additional InformationPlease look at the function addOrderArticleToBasket(...) in oxbasket.php. Since OXID 4.5.x there is an if statement wich causes this problem:

if ( $oOrderArticle->oxorderarticles__oxamount->value > 0 && !$oOrderArticle->isBundle() ) {
} elseif ( $oOrderArticle->isBundle() ) {
    // deleting bundles, they are handled automatically

So, if you simply delete "&& !$oOrderArticle->isBundle()", everything seems to work as expected again. But what's the reason for the comment? I neither can't find such automatism nor it seems to work. Bundles are just deleted.
TagsProduct domain and basket rewrite
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


related to 0004624 acknowledged Order recalculation does not use discounts/taxes which were valid when order was made, but current ones 



2014-01-20 15:46

reporter   ~0009429

Reminder sent to: Mitmacher

We have a question to make sure how you reproducing the bug. Does the discount with bundle product is still active and the expiration date is still valid for this discount during you make update in the admin? Because I can reproduce this issue in this case:
1. create discount with the item.
2. purchase product with item discount.
3. deactivate created discount
4. in admin update the order.


2014-01-20 16:18

reporter   ~0009430

no, it is also reproducable if the bundle is still active! The funny thing is that if you delete the article (to which the deleted one was bundled) and re-add it again in admin, than the bundle is also re-added. But if you than update the order once more (without change) it is deleted again! Crazy ;-)


2014-01-20 22:45

reporter   ~0009432

Ah, now I see: I don't meant discount bundles, but the simple variant to bundle one article to another in product admin. I didn't recognize there are two ways of creating so-called bundles, sorry! ;)

But I've created a summarized (german) forum thread for all the problems with updating orders in admin:

Thanks for relating to 0004624, because I didn't find all those topics before! :)


2018-03-05 10:40

reporter   ~0012410

Would be great if this annoying issue could actually be solved, more than 4 years after reporting it.


2024-12-04 14:46

administrator   ~0017746

The usual reminder: Editing orders is illegal in Germany (and probably in many more countries) as they are considered documents.