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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005368OXID eShop (all versions)4.09. SEO, SEO URLpublic2024-12-04 14:44
Reportermarco_steinhaeuser Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.7.6 / 5.0.6 
Summary0005368: Recalculating SEO URLs adds suffix -oxid although nothing was changed in product title
DescriptionUnder some circumstances, the re-calculation of the SEO URLs will add the suffix -oxid although the product item's or category's title wasn't changed. Looks like only the standard language's URL is changed this way if you didn't use the presumed language German as a standard.
Steps To ReproduceInstall an OXID eShop with the standard language English, go to admin and recalculate the SEO URLs. In the store front, you'll now find a lot of -oxid suffixes in the links.
Additional Informationfound here:
TagsSEO, SEO Rewrite
ThemeNot defined
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


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