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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004855OXID eShop (all versions)1.02. Price calculations (discounts, coupons, additional costs etc.)public2013-01-15 13:18
Reporterldierks Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version4.7.1 / 5.0.1 revision 52468 
Summary0004855: Discounts on payment methods (negative price) are ignored
DescriptionIn payment methods when you enter a negative amount in the field "Price Surcharge/Reduction" this value is ignored if the entry is negative - regardless wether one takes absolute or percentage.
Steps To ReproduceTake a negative value in the field "Price Surcharge/Reduction" of the payment method and look at the prices during checkout.
Additional InformationThe cause for ignoring the negative payment prices can be found in oxbasket.php in function calculate( $oBasket ). By uncommenting the line

if( $dPrice > 0 ) {

the problem can be solved.
TagsNo tags attached.
PHP Versionany
Database Versionany


duplicate of 0004712 resolvedLinas Kukulskis No discount in the order 



2013-01-15 12:25

reporter   ~0008268

Sorry i did not mean oxbasket.php but oxpayment.php. And i saw that this issue was already mentioned sorry! I had a few problems searching in this bug tracker.


2013-01-15 13:17

reporter   ~0008270

Closed as duplicate of 0004712