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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004266OXID eShop (all versions)1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pagespublic2013-01-24 15:05
Reporterray Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version4.6.2 revision 46646 
Summary0004266: not possible to sort category-CMS-page to the end of categories
DescriptionIf you choose "category" as option for a CMS page, you are asked to insert it before an already existing category. It is not possible to sort it after an existing category.
So the idea to sort it as last category was, to create a new "dummy" category, activate and hide it, then sort the CMS page before this new one. But as long as this dummy is set to "hide", the CMS-page will not be diplayed as well.

Please implement either the option to insert a category-CMS after an existing category - or prevent hiding when assigned category is hided.
TagsCategory, CMS
PHP Versionany
Database Versionany


has duplicate 0004831 confirmedHR CMS page as category do not appear in category-tree. 



2013-01-24 15:04

reporter   ~0008326

Hi, to make it visible, you should change the templates as follows:
azure/tpl/widget/sidebad/categoriestree.tpl line 7, set as follows:
        [{foreach from=$categories item=_cat}]
            [{* CMS category *}]
            [{if $_cat->getContentCats() && $deepLevel > 1 }]
                [{foreach from=$_cat->getContentCats() item=_oCont}]
                    <li class="[{if $oContentCat && $oContentCat->getId()==$_oCont->getId() }] active [{else}] end [{/if}]" >
                        <a href="[{$_oCont->getLink()}]">[{ $_oCont->oxcontents__oxtitle->value }]</a>
            [{/if }]
            [{if $_cat->getIsVisible() }]
                [{* subcategories *}]
                <li class="[{if !$oContentCat && $act && $act->getId()==$_cat->getId() }]active[{elseif $_cat->expanded}]exp[{/if}][{if !$_cat->hasVisibleSubCats}] end[{/if}]">
                    <a href="[{$_cat->getLink()}]"><span></span>[{$_cat->oxcategories__oxtitle->value}] [{ if $oView->showCategoryArticlesCount() && ($_cat->getNrOfArticles() > 0) }] ([{$_cat->getNrOfArticles()}])[{/if}]</a>
                    [{if $_cat->getSubCats() && $_cat->expanded}]
    [{fun name="tree" categories=$_cat->getSubCats() }]

this will fix sidebar categories list.

This place requires some refactoring, so that CMS pages as categories would not be assigned to actual categories. We will look into making this happen.

For future notes, please refear to 0004831 ticket.


2013-01-24 15:05

reporter   ~0008327

Closing as duplicate, refear to 0004831 ticket.