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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002847OXID eShop (all versions)1.03. Basket, checkout processpublic2024-09-16 11:39
ReporterGregor Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.4.6 revision 32697 
Summary0002847: Products with select list don't work as bonus / rebate
Description- create a product with select-list (ex. choice green / black)
- define a rebate, which adds this product as a bonus item to shoppingbasket

-> the item is added to the basket, but the select-list is not shown in basket

Looking at the product in detail view, the selct-list is shown and after adding the product to basket the select list is correctly there and can modified by the buyer. The bonus item still is uncorrect.
Additional Informationcan also be reproduced in demo-shop 4.5
TagsDiscount, Promotion, Selection List
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


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