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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001254OXID eShop (all versions)2. ----- eShop backend (admin) -----public2009-09-07 08:52
Reporterd3 Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version4.1.5 revision 21618 
Summary0001254: better Overview for Gift Wrapping and Greeting Card
DescriptionA customer selected for two or more products gift wrapping and greeting cards.

In the Order Overview it's display only the name of one greeting card and the price of all gift wraps + greeting cards.(see picture)

Onyl in the history you can find the gift wrapping and greeting cards for all products. This is not so fine.

Maybe it's posible to add a new tab for the gift wrapping and greeting card Overview. ?

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
gift_wrap_overview.jpg (42,923 bytes)   
gift_wrap_overview.jpg (42,923 bytes)   
PHP Version5.2.6
Database Version5.0.33



2009-09-07 08:52

reporter   ~0001662

Thank you for your hint.
As this is feature request, it is included in customers whishlist. As here we collect only entries about bugs, the this entry is closed.