View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001246OXID eShop (all versions)1.04. Content, static (register, contact etc.) pagespublic2009-08-28 14:25
Reporterphilipp_grashoff Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version4.1.5 revision 21618 
Fixed in Version4.1.6 revision 22740 
Summary0001246: If a cms page is inactive, an error message is shown.
DescriptionIf a cms page is inactive but included in a template with [{oxcontent ident=""}], the error message "content not found ! check ident(contentident) !" is shown.

oxcontent smarty function should check if cms page is active, if not: Don't display anything.

We should/could give the customer a hint that the content is inactive, but this shouldn't be displayed to customers in frontend. Could we throw an exception or use the PHP error reporting (NOTICE level)?
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
contenterror.png (39,081 bytes)   
contenterror.png (39,081 bytes)   
PHP Version5.2.6
Database Version5.0.33



2009-08-27 14:11

reporter   ~0001550

The error message should be hidden when shop runs in Productive mode. If mode is non-Productive - then display the message as it is.


2009-08-28 09:48

reporter   ~0001560

Please force the development, we need this feature too.


2009-08-28 14:25

reporter   ~0001563


in case shop runs in productive mode - nothing will be shown, of non-productive - old message will be displayed