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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007767OXID eShop (all versions)2.1. Master Settingspublic2025-02-07 08:38
Reportermario_lorenz Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Product Version7.1.0 
Summary0007767: Naming shop setting "perfParseLongDescinSmarty" is misleading and option is generally obsolete.
DescriptionUnder Master Settings > Core settings > Performance there is an option "Process Description of Articles and Categories with Smarty ".

Several thoughts:

1) Smarty has not been supported since OXID7.1. It should actually say "Run article description and category description with template renderer"

2) The option is currently only used in the ArticleDetailsController, but not for the article description, but for rendering the meta description. In Generell there is no application for the category descriptions.

3) The "running" of the renderer already happens automatically and without asking in the template.

see: /views/apex/tpl/page/details/inc/tabs.html.twig -> line 15
{{ include(template_from_string(oLongdesc)) }}
see: /views/apex/tpl/page/list/list.html.twig -> line 79
{{ include(template_from_string(actCategory.oxcategories__oxlongdesc)) }}
Additional InformationSuggestion: Remove the "perfParseLongDescinSmarty" option.

Implement the rendering of the article description for the meta description without asking (see method: ArticleDetailsController.php -> method: prepareLongDescription). This uses the same approach as in the article exporter (GenericExportDo.php -> method: prepareLongDescription). Here, rendering also takes place without asking.
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2025-02-07 08:38

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