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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007756module PayPal Checkoutmodule PayPal checkout - subpublic2024-12-16 13:22
Reportersgr Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.5.1 / 3.5.1 
Fixed in Version2.5.2 / 3.5.2 
Summary0007756: Error during tests to integrate other payment methods via PayPal checkout
DescriptionDear OXID Team,

As an alternative to the error-prone Unzer Payment Module, we would like to test the “Paypal Checkout” Module and thus offer the payment methods Paypal, credit card, Sofort and purchase on account. Compatibility with AODP connection before has been checked beforehand. We have used the following information:

The following acceptance criteria were defined:
- Installation of new Paypal modul “Paypal checkout”
- Activation of Paypal, Credit Card, Sofort and Invoice

Based on this, please follow the progress so far and the latest status. My role here is to mediate between the developers of our webshop agency and the relevant contact person at PayPal:

> Testing with Plugin 2.4. Feedback received from our agency:
- Carried out in the test environment: (see scrrenshot 01 attached)
- However, the plugin does not work as expected. We receive an error at step 3 of the checkout and the order cannot be placed ((see scrrenshot 02 attached)
- Error: [uncaught error] [type E_COMPILE_ERROR] [file /app/vendor/oxid-solution-catalysts/paypal-module/src/Model/Order.php] [line 43] [code ] [message Type of OxidSolutionCatalysts\PayPal\Model\Order::$payPalOrder must not be defined (as in class OxidEsales\PayPalModule\Model\Order)]

> Feedback from PayPal developer:
- Could you go through the whole thing with a live configuration? There were some uncaught errors by 3DS during CC payments in sandbox.
- Note that CC testing is tough in Sandbox; recommended cards:
- Feedback forwarded to the agency

> Feedback from agency developer:
- The error that was found (see feedback from 04/15) has nothing to do with the sandbox or the environment, it is on PHP level and could not be solved by switching to another environment or sandbox mode. We tried to disable the payment module, only the Paypal module was on, and the store was still broken. To continue, this error should first be fixed by the plugin provider. Then we can continue with the next attempts.

> Feedback from PayPal developer:
- So if it is always this error, then please contact OXID Support directly (OXID is the plugin provider/plugin manufacturer/vendor) and report this error there
- When done, please provide the bug ticket number
Additional Information- es -
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Attached Files
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