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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007749module PayPal Checkoutmodule PayPal checkout - subpublic2024-11-22 11:37
Reportermount7 Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0007749: Invalid delivery method with valid delivery Cost for paypal express
Descriptionsee title and steps to reproduce
Steps To ReproduceProduct A with valid delivery D1
Product B with valid delivery D2 and invalid for D1

1. Put A in Basket
2. Paypal Express Btn -> Jump to order overview
3. Go Back to basket
4. Change Products in Basket: Put B in and remove A
5. Paypal Express Btn => Jump to order overview
6. Basket contains Product B with delivery D1 but valid delivery costs from D2

Additional Information
=> Recompute/Revalidate of the shipping method is triggered only if the paymentId changes.
Additionally executing those lines if the paymentId is Paypal Express and the paymentId has not changed fixes this issue

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