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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007734module Geo-BlockingGeneralpublic2024-11-04 08:09
ReporterOxidSimonGassenschmidt Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version2.2.0-rc.2 
Summary0007734: Shop owners suggested Pick Up Adress cannot be used for order if no salutation is included
DescriptionYou can forbid a country as destination and you can - as shop owner - create a pick up adress to be used.

This adress is shown in the checkout process, but you cannot chose it without failure.

(edit: this is only the case if you don't use a salutation for the pickup address)
Steps To Reproduce1. install shop
2. install and activate modul
3. make a country not a fitting delivery
4. activate a pick up adress, make sure the pickup address doesn't have a salutation.
5. try to make a checkout with someone from this country
-> the pickup adress will be shown as delivery adress, but you cannot make a successfull order.
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