View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007707OXID eShop (all versions)7. --- Other tools --------------public2024-09-11 13:02
Reportermichael_keiluweit Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version7.1.0 
Summary0007707: oe-console can trigger shopOfflinePage -> showMessageAndExit
DescriptionIt can occur that the method \OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Utils::showOfflinePage is triggered in the context of the oe-console. That leads to an empty response and it seems like the executed command is finished immediately. There will be no error message in the console, nor will there be a entry in the log file oxideshop.log. So the person is left clueless.
One cause can be that the shop went offline, because the developer / demo license has reached it's TTL. A developer might miss that information, because the frontend or admin isn't used frequently while working on console commands.
Steps To ReproduceTo simulate that the license has reached its TTL, we manipulate the corresponding values in the table oxconfig.

1. Install EE 7.1.0
2. Execute the console command ./vendor/bin/oe-console o:a:c --admin-email [email protected] --admin-password m (to test that it works)
3. Empty the value of oxconfig.sTagList
4. Set the value of oxconfig.sBackTag to 1 (to simulator that the grace period was started far in the past)
5. Execute the console command ./vendor/bin/oe-console o:a:c --admin-email [email protected] --admin-password m

Creating administrator account...
Administrator account has been created.

Creating administrator account...
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2024-08-20 09:14

administrator   ~0017439

Stacktrace when using Xdebuger.
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