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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007589OXID eShop B2B EditionB2B edition - subpublic2024-02-16 13:40
ReporterSteven Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version6.0.0 
Fixed in Version6.0.1 
Summary0007589: Approving ignoring the budget is very inconsistent
DescriptionApproving ignoring the budget works differently per tester:
Tester A: First time it works but second time even though approval with ignoring budget was done, budget is exceeded.
Tester B: First time it works but second time no approval was needed (no approval button) and budget exceeded, too.
Tester C: First time it works but second time no approval was needed (no approval button) and order was successful.
Steps To Reproduce- Create two B2B users.
- Set user A als chief buyer of user B.
- Login with user A.
- Allow user to order, activate approval procedure and budget.
- Define daily budget of EUR 100.
- Login with user B.
- Put product 1402 to basket (EUR 159).
- Start approval procedure.
- "Approve ignoring budget" with user A.
- Order approved basket with user B.

- Now add product 1402 to basket again.
- Repeat approval steps with ignoring the budget.
- Try to order approved basket again.

See different behaviors. Use different browsers.
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