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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007561module PayPal Checkoutmodule PayPal checkout - subpublic2023-11-21 13:22
ReporterSpritje Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.3.3 / 1.3.3 
Fixed in Version2.3.3 / 1.3.3 
Summary0007561: If I update the PayPal Checkout module to version 1.3.3, I get this error message after step 4:
DescriptionIf I update the PayPal Checkout module to version 1.3.3, I get this error message after step 4:

[2023-11-20 12:56:26] OXID Logger.ERROR: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) ["[object] (ParseError(code: 0): syntax error, unexpected ')',
expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) at /home/heiuooay/\n[stacktrace]\n
#0 /home/ Composer\\Autoload\\includeFile('/home/heiuooay/...')\n
#1 [internal function]: Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader->loadClass('OxidSolutionCat...')\n
#2 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('OxidSolutionCat...')\n
#3 /home/ class_exists('OxidSolutionCat...')\n
#4 /home/ OxidEsales\\EshopCommunity\\Core\\UtilsObject->oxNew('OxidSolutionCat...', Object(OxidSolutionCatalysts\\PayPalApi\\Client))\n
#5 /home/ oxNew('OxidSolutionCat...', Object(OxidSolutionCatalysts\\PayPalApi\\Client))\n
Additional Information- es -
The payment process is canceled. A redirect to PayPal is not possible -> Maintenance Mode
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