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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006095OXID eShop (all versions)4.12. Subshop handlingpublic2025-01-22 09:06
Reportergregor.hyneck Assigned To 
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.9.3 / 5.2.3 
Summary0006095: Category Assignment respects subshop inheritance, unassignment does it not
DescriptionOnly in EE: Assignment and unassignment of categories to articles is not consistent. The assignment of categories respects the shop inheritance settings, the unassignment does not respect these settings.
Steps To Reproduce- create a new subshop with checkbox "Shop inherits all inheritable items" active
- inherit a category to this subshop (category mall tab)
- in the parent shop, assign this category to an article
- in the parent shop, remove this category from the article.
- in to the subshop go to this article: the assigned category from the parent shop is still assigned.
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PHP Versionany
Database Versionany


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