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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005843OXID eShop (all versions)4.12. Subshop handlingpublic2023-12-20 15:28
Reporterarturas.sevcenko Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version4.8.7 / 5.1.7 
Summary0005843: Creating two multishops in a row leads to displaying wrong data in admin
DescriptionCreating two multishops in a row leads to displaying wrong data in admin
Steps To ReproduceNew subshop of multishop type is created with inheritance config off and no parent.
Category inheritance config is set to on.

Then, new subshop of multishop type is created with inheritance config off and no parent.
Category inheritance is now off, but multishop already inherits all categories.
TagsNo tags attached.
PHP VersionNot defined
Database VersionNot defined


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