View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001791OXID eShop (all versions)1.01. Products (product, categories, manufacturer, promotions etc.)public2012-12-07 14:13
Reporteraggrosoft Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version4.3.0 revision 26948 
Summary0001791: oxcategorylist::_getSqlSelectFieldsForTree is not loading oxthumb
Description_getSqlSelectFieldsForTree in oxcategorylist is not loading oxthumb - the result is that category images are not being shown in list.tpl head area (even though they are being queried). One has to write a module to work with the category thumbs, icons are ok.
Additional InformationThis module fixes the behavior (module of oxcategorylist):


class ag_categorylist extends ag_categorylist_parent {

    protected function _getSqlSelectFieldsForTree($sTable, $aColumns = null)
        $sFieldList = parent::_getSqlSelectFieldsForTree($sTable, $aColumns);
        $sFieldList .= " ,$sTable.oxthumb as oxthumb ";
        return $sFieldList;

Attached Files
category_view.png (137,943 bytes)   
category_view.png (137,943 bytes)   
PHP Versionany
Database Versionany



2010-04-27 15:39

reporter   ~0002583

Reminder sent to: aggrosoft


this is not a bug. field oxthumb was removed from _getSqlSelectFieldsForTree in eShop version 4.1.0 due performance improvements but field oxicon is still loaded and can be used (some fields like longdesc or oxthumb are used only when you display single category and is just a waste of memory in category tree. This is why some fields were disabled for category trees.)
Also this place will be improved once more in next update after fixing problem.

best regards,


2010-04-27 15:41

reporter   ~0002584

This is intended behaviour, no change is required


2010-04-27 15:49

reporter   ~0002585

Sorry if I have to reopen this but if this is the intended behavior then the bug lies down in the template - see list.tpl:

[{if $actCategory->oxcategories__oxthumb->value }]
          <img src="[{$actCategory->getPictureUrl()}]0/[{ $actCategory->oxcategories__oxthumb->value }]" alt="[{ $actCategory->oxcategories__oxtitle->value }]">


This will always evaluate to false - no matter what happens. So you either bring back that field for the current category or you just drop this part of the default template (making category thumbs completely useless).


2010-04-27 16:55

reporter   ~0002586

Reminder sent to: aggrosoft


the lines from list.tlp you mentioned:
[{capture name=list_details}]
        [{if $actCategory->oxcategories__oxthumb->value }]
          <img src="[{$actCategory->getPictureUrl()}]0/[{ $actCategory->oxcategories__oxthumb->value }]" alt="[{ $actCategory->oxcategories__oxtitle->value }]">

are responsible for displaying thumb for active category. you can see such thumb for Bar-equipment category in our demoshop:

i also attached image to this bug report with both category ico and thumb displayed in it.
could you please let us know where exactly thumb is not displayed in your shop? printscreen would help in this case.

best regards,


2010-04-27 16:58

reporter   ~0002587

The problem can be seen here:

If I deactivate the module I attached above the main category image (the image saying "Alle Module im Überblick") and all the images of the subcategories (ok that's an addition) won't show up anymore.

Shop Version is CE 4.3.0_26948


2010-04-27 17:12

reporter   ~0002588

Just tested in the demo shop - can't get the same behavior. Perhaps this is because of 4.3.0 instead of 4.3.1?


2010-04-28 10:49

reporter   ~0002591

Reminder sent to: aggrosoft


i just checked source code of your link ( ). looks like in templates you are using thumb picture in that place, where ico should be used by default <img src="http://path_to_picture/oxid_tc.jpg" alt="Oxid E-Sales">. up until 4.1.0 this was working, but after performance improvements this functionality (using thumbs in category tree instead of ico) can be accessible only with module. you can find some additional information about this in old bug entry
could you please tell which shop version you was using before upgrading to 4.3.0_26948?

if i understood correctly, image saying "Alle Module im Überblick" is also not shown if your module is dissabled? is this picture uploaded as thumb for category Module?

best regards,
Birute M.


2010-04-28 12:04

reporter   ~0002594

Ok just tested it again, seems to work fine now (thumb is showing for selected category, icons for sub categories - for thumbs of subcategories I need a module) - perhaps I was just puzzled by the missing sub category images. Close down this issue.


2010-04-28 12:11

reporter   ~0002595

no change is required