View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001226OXID eShop (all versions)1.05. Userspublic2009-09-02 16:01
Reporterkircma Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version4.1.5 revision 21618 
Fixed in Version4.2.0 revision 23610 
Summary0001226: data in "My Account" -> "Billings and Shipping Settings" -> "Shipping Addresses" wrong when entering multiple addresses
DescriptionWhen entering several different shipping addresses with different countries the entered data is displayed incorrectly

How to reproduce:
- Login to Shopfrontend as admin
- Go to "My Account" -> "Billings and Shipping Settings" -> "Shipping Addresses"
- enter a new shipping address with Germany as country -> save -> OK
- enter another shipping address with Austria as country -> save -> OK
- switch back to 1st address: KO - Austria is displayed as country!
TagsNo tags attached.
PHP Version5.2.6
Database Version5.0.33



2009-08-24 17:35

reporter   ~0001506

Reproduced (with IE7).
Even when you have few different address sets as Shipping Addresses - and selecting different sets from drop down - sometimes the country, phone and fax (which goes after country in the form) details remains from the previous selection and are not loaded from selected shipping address set.


2009-08-24 17:50

reporter   ~0001507

Last edited: 2009-08-24 17:52

Most likely, the bug occurs, when the address set with the "new" country in the current session is selected from drop-down. "new" - means - there was no address with such country selected in this session yet. I.e. if there are sets (first name, last name (country)):
d d (Germany)
a a (Austria)
b b (Switzerland)

...Page initialy is loaded with address "a a" (Austria). If select "d d" (Germany) - it will change country to Germany (as there was no address with Germany before). Then select address "a a" again - country remains Germany (as Austria already was displayed). But if "b b" is selected after that - it will load Switzerland. After that - Switzerland remains in country selection - no matter what address is selected (as Germany and Austria already were loaded).
The behavior for fields Phone and Fax - are the same as for Country (probably because country details loading process).

P.s.: the "counter" of loaded countries is reseted each time when "Addresses" page is reloaded on demand (i.e. clicked on link Billings and Shipping Settings).


2009-09-02 16:01

reporter   ~0001613

as this causes template changes fix goes to next major release/update