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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001222OXID eShop (all versions)1. ----- eShop frontend -----public2012-12-10 14:38
Reportercsimon Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Summary0001222: $shop->hiddensid generates invalid html

the attribute $shop->hiddensid generates a html hidden field like this:

<input name="force_sid" type="hidden" value="sid">

in order to be valid, it has to look like this:

<input name="force_sid" type="hidden" value="sid" />

if you want valid xhtml, this is a blocker and it can't be solved by writing a module, because oxSession isn't extendable by modules.

The method oxSession->getHiddenSid() shouldn't create HTML Strings at all, because all display stuff should be done in templates, not in core classes.
TagsNo tags attached.
PHP Version5.2.6
Database Version5.0.33



2009-09-16 11:03

reporter   ~0001751

Reminder sent to: csimon


Shop generates input fields in HTML. Thus it cannot be valid XML code.
We thinking about additional option in the admin, which would define, what type - HTML or XML - these fields should be generated. Such request is included in the ToDo list and will be considered later.
Thus the bug entry here is closed.

Thank you for your input.