090923 12:08:35 281 Connect root@ on 281 Init DB oxid_******* 281 Query SET @@session.sql_mode = "" 281 Query SET NAMES "utf8" 281 Query SET CHARACTER SET utf8 281 Query SET CHARACTER_SET_CONNECTION = utf8 281 Query SET CHARACTER_SET_DATABASE = utf8 281 Query SET character_set_results = utf8 281 Query SET character_set_server = utf8 281 Query select oxvarname, oxvartype, DECODE( oxvarvalue, 'fq45QS09_fqyx09239QQ') as oxvarvalue from oxconfig where oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxproductive from oxshops where oxid = "oxbaseshop" 281 Query select oxshops.oxid, oxshops.oxactive, oxshops.oxproductive, oxshops.oxdefcurrency, oxshops.oxdeflanguage, oxshops.oxname, oxshops.oxtitleprefix, oxshops.oxtitlesuffix, oxshops.oxstarttitle, oxshops.oxinfoemail, oxshops.oxorderemail, oxshops.oxowneremail, oxshops.oxordersubject, oxshops.oxregistersubject, oxshops.oxforgotpwdsubject, oxshops.oxsendednowsubject, oxshops.oxsmtp, oxshops.oxsmtpuser, oxshops.oxsmtppwd, oxshops.oxcompany, oxshops.oxstreet, oxshops.oxzip, oxshops.oxcity, oxshops.oxcountry, oxshops.oxbankname, oxshops.oxbanknumber, oxshops.oxbankcode, oxshops.oxvatnumber, oxshops.oxbiccode, oxshops.oxibannumber, oxshops.oxfname, oxshops.oxlname, oxshops.oxtelefon, oxshops.oxtelefax, oxshops.oxurl, oxshops.oxdefcat, oxshops.oxhrbnr, oxshops.oxcourt, oxshops.oxadbutlerid, oxshops.oxaffilinetid, oxshops.oxsuperclicksid, oxshops.oxaffiliweltid, oxshops.oxaffili24id, oxshops.oxedition, oxshops.oxversion, oxshops.oxseoactive from oxshops where 1 and oxshops.oxid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxmanufacturers.oxid, oxmanufacturers.oxshopid, oxmanufacturers.oxactive, oxmanufacturers.oxicon, oxmanufacturers.oxtitle, oxmanufacturers.oxshortdesc, oxmanufacturers.oxshowsuffix from oxmanufacturers where oxmanufacturers.oxactive = 1 and oxmanufacturers.oxtitle != '' order by oxmanufacturers.oxtitle 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 090923 12:08:36 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid AS manufacturerId, count(*) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid <> '' and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) group by oxarticles.oxmanufacturerid 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = 'root' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0001' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0005' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0006' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0007' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0009' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0012' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0013' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0014' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0016' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0017' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0019' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0020' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0021' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0022' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0023' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0024' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0028' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0033' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0037' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0039' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0038' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0041' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0042' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0044' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0045' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0048' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0049' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0050' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0052' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0055' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0054' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0056' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0058' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0059' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0060' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0066' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0061' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0043' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0062' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0063' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0069' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0035' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0125' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0072' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0071' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0074' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0075' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0082' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0084' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0085' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0086' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0088' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0087' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0089' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0090' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0095' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0096' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0097' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0099' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0101' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0103' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0104' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0105' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0107' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0111' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0118' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0119' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0121' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0122' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0102' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0127' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0128' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0132' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0139' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0314' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0141' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0142' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0143' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0144' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0145' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0146' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0106' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0150' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0179' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0154' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0158' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0159' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0160' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0164' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0166' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0168' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0165' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0171' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0174' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0177' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0178' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0507' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0180' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0181' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0182' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0076' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0184' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0186' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0187' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0189' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0190' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0192' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0193' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0196' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0199' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0202' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0203' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0208' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0209' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0210' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0211' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0213' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0216' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0217' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0218' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0219' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0221' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0229' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0230' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0231' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0232' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0234' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0237' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0240' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0243' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0247' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0248' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0250' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0253' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0340' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0254' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0256' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0258' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0260' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0263' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0264' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0265' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0266' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0272' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0271' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0273' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0274' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0275' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0278' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0279' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0280' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0281' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0282' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0283' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0284' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0289' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0293' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0297' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0300' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0301' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0302' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0303' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0307' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0308' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0309' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0310' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0312' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0317' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0320' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0322' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0325' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0326' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0327' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0331' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0332' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0138' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0336' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0137' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0337' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0344' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0346' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0352' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0377' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0359' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0360' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0366' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0368' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0034' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0371' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0373' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0379' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0383' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0385' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0387' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0391' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0393' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0395' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0397' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0398' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0400' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0402' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0200' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0409' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0415' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0417' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0421' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0423' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0431' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0354' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0435' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0342' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0347' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0348' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0350' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0355' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0357' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0367' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0369' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0374' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0376' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0386' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0389' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0392' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0394' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0396' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0403' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0404' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0405' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0413' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0416' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0418' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0422' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0424' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0425' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0432' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0433' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0436' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0437' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0441' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0442' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0444' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0445' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0447' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0448' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0451' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0458' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0460' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0464' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0465' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0466' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0468' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0472' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0473' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0474' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0476' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0478' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0161' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0176' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0201' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0167' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0214' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0475' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0249' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0251' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0252' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0477' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0338' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0212' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0411' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0255' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0485' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0486' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0488' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0493' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0494' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0484' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0497' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0499' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0501' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0502' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0504' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0505' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0509' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0511' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0515' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0506' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0510' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0513' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0519' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxmanufacturer' and oxobjectid = '0518' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxid, oxactive as oxactive, oxhidden, oxparentid, oxdefsort, oxdefsortmode, oxleft, oxright, oxrootid, oxsort, oxtitle as oxtitle, oxdesc as oxdesc, oxpricefrom, oxpriceto, oxicon ,not oxcategories.oxactive as remove from oxcategories where 1 order by oxcategories.oxrootid desc, oxcategories.oxleft desc 281 Query select oxcategories.oxid, oxcategories.oxparentid, oxcategories.oxleft, oxcategories.oxright, oxcategories.oxrootid, oxcategories.oxsort, oxcategories.oxactive, oxcategories.oxhidden, oxcategories.oxshopid, oxcategories.oxtitle, oxcategories.oxdesc, oxcategories.oxlongdesc, oxcategories.oxthumb, oxcategories.oxextlink, oxcategories.oxtemplate, oxcategories.oxdefsort, oxcategories.oxdefsortmode, oxcategories.oxpricefrom, oxcategories.oxpriceto, oxcategories.oxicon, oxcategories.oxvat, oxcategories.oxskipdiscounts, oxcategories.oxshowsuffix from oxcategories where 1 and oxcategories.oxid = '' 281 Query select * from oxcontents where oxactive = '1' and oxtype = '2' and oxsnippet = '0' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxcatid is not null order by oxloadid 281 Query SELECT oxid FROM oxcategories ORDER BY oxparentid, oxsort, oxtitle 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxbargain' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxtop5' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxcatoffer' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxstart' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxtopstart' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxnewest' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxarticles.oxid from oxactions2article left join oxarticles on oxarticles.oxid = oxactions2article.oxartid left join oxactions on oxactions.oxid = oxactions2article.oxactionid where oxactions2article.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxactions2article.oxactionid = 'oxfirststart' and ( oxactions.oxactive = 1 or ( oxactions.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxactions.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) and oxarticles.oxid is not null and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and ( oxarticles.oxvarcount=0 or ( select count(art.oxid) from oxarticles as art where art.oxstockflag=2 and art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and art.oxstock=0 ) < oxarticles.oxvarcount ) ) order by oxactions2article.oxsort 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'dynamic' and oxobjectid = '8a6805b48b552723ec6f5c4f401dfa88' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'dynamic' and oxobjectid = 'a56962942abe4dd4c3d55e2f7576d78a' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxmanufacturers.oxid, oxmanufacturers.oxshopid, oxmanufacturers.oxactive, oxmanufacturers.oxicon, oxmanufacturers.oxtitle, oxmanufacturers.oxshortdesc, oxmanufacturers.oxshowsuffix from oxmanufacturers where 1 and oxmanufacturers.oxid = '' 281 Query select * from oxcontents where oxactive = '1' and oxtype = '1' and oxsnippet = '0' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' order by oxloadid 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = '94e76a7e2fd98fcfc2eed02ca62c018b' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxnews.oxid, oxnews.oxshopid, oxnews.oxactive, oxnews.oxactivefrom, oxnews.oxactiveto, oxnews.oxdate, oxnews.oxshortdesc, oxnews.oxlongdesc, oxobject2group.oxgroupsid from oxnews left join oxobject2group on oxobject2group.oxobjectid=oxnews.oxid where oxobject2group.oxgroupsid is null and ( oxnews.oxactive = 1 or ( oxnews.oxactivefrom < '2009-09-23 12:08:36' and oxnews.oxactiveto > '2009-09-23 12:08:36' ) ) group by oxnews.oxid order by oxnews.oxdate desc LIMIT 0, 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxstartmetadescription' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = 'ce79015b6f6f07612270975889' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxstartmetakeywords' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = 'ce77743c334edf92b0cab924a7' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '04abcb465a8d3a4441df4c480838d23d' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '6c3129355426de70051cc3c08a675bcd' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '343c043546b3d653647e75d2e246ce94' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'd12b7badee1037e7c1a5a7a245a14e11' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '4be1cf120b4467566285f1c04d58fded' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '1489957b3f45f7315f96a152b83aec0c' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '4c12fe0b6cbd2e47306b3049e0fdf869' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxagb' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = '2eb4676806a3d2e87.06076523' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oximpressum' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = '2eb46767947d21851.22681675' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'e231abe126f68e5efcc5270bb6a73f66' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-155628264' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '256670910' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1504495092' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-350541524' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1572678971' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-552951204' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1823034253' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1736353139' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1019766767' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-378407752' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1909345285' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '461799566' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '105041198' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1716968515' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '75312733' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-85330575' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '521005760' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1526188869' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1445675494' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1123970725' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '100005560' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-302346858' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1083258587' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '907798335' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1234758144' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '587933038' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1168824975' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1740685218' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1525010854' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1141905852' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '672150465' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-966767098' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1840780442' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-329634244' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1318738052' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1207906766' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1371081521' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1899154347' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1176279088' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '402614998' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1229966351' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-714779904' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1783229049' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1627498285' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1545861222' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '101648236' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-484049754' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1522884905' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1964191284' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '478175647' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-311429212' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '46383589' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-442217627' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-746767735' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-2044854093' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1953784807' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '19105131' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-433334649' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1155096231' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '216878154' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '488003542' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1637281148' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1806381701' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-961891727' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-98357377' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '789669544' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '151911075' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1806419590' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1550186000' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '28411943' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '285566981' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '196944441' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '2015023924' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1192496950' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1791056329' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-234866348' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1043758654' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '212347823' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-889959424' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-413689556' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1487874377' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1293511294' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1022308838' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '354861002' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '519821525' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1584557537' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '482476069' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-174357942' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1648322667' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-530197382' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-443455027' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1327694989' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-2134324180' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '286230758' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1910830828' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1247583176' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1432308369' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '150815430' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-819716395' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-489178011' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1728107490' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1405383367' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-726930797' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1159803825' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1400688307' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-634750483' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-405353200' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1482787996' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1690854913' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-366302279' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1138510011' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1442055581' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '574618304' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1347291413' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1087690542' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1373261571' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1807439431' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1298586481' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-537244632' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-889045909' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '450013129' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1450448329' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1577577442' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '510277531' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1986812665' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '2127677552' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-91047743' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-2005869280' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1320475531' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '2143080934' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-145607787' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1030956637' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '453626062' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1575909738' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1406254451' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-566867614' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '160589155' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '294878557' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-824585195' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-78905648' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '281732812' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '351669525' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1142300603' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-1085855119' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '487435938' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-819196580' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1041415481' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '-451023209' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '1162655828' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcategory' and oxobjectid = '13460073' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'efaf9266cf7de3a8c84cea167285eb83' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxsecurityinfo' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = 'f41427a099a603773.44301043' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxdeliveryinfo' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = 'f41427a07519469f1.34718981' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxrightofwithdrawal' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = '1ea45574543b21636.29288751' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxorderinfo' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = '1074279e67a85f5b1.96907412' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'e56acdd347b0516f68a0afdd811e2382' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '18f64cbbc296a32fb84b3bbe31dfed09' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '98964bf04c7edae2d658c5f3b3233ca1' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '0563ce7f6a400737ce0e1c2b2c733e49' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxstartwelcome' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = 'c4241316b2e5c1966.96997015' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '57cb6b2fafc870810cd48b8e1d28cf91' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'e231abe126f68e5efcc5270bb6a73f66' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '38efc02f0f6b6a6d54cfef1fcdb99d70' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = '7bc8a506bbca225a2f95b6eac66020bf' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'c855234180a3b4056b496120d229ea68' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'static' and oxobjectid = 'f6bd7f77caae70afad276584caa6450a' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Query select oxcontents.oxid, oxcontents.oxloadid, oxcontents.oxshopid, oxcontents.oxsnippet, oxcontents.oxtype, oxcontents.oxactive, oxcontents.oxposition, oxcontents.oxtitle, oxcontents.oxcontent, oxcontents.oxcatid, oxcontents.oxfolder from oxcontents where 1 and oxcontents.oxloadid = 'oxstdfooter' and oxcontents.oxactive = '1' and oxcontents.oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' 281 Query select oxfixed, oxseourl, oxexpired, oxtype from oxseo where oxtype = 'oxcontent' and oxobjectid = '8709e45f31a86909e9f999222e80b1d0' and oxshopid = 'oxbaseshop' and oxlang = 0 order by oxparams = '' desc limit 1 281 Quit